Toxic masculinity party

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The subliminals are real.
Organized by Black males, ghetto 'rap culture' hippity-hop scum, glorifying Chris Brown, yellow bones on the cover, and they really do grab ass and get in your face, and call women es when they reject them. And the brave Black women that're all too used to dealing with these khasaros aren't even invited.
Those hair hatted hooligans have thrown black men under the bus ever since the welfare program kicked in then they started snitching to their sugar daddy the government that offers them everything under the condition they discard off their husbands.


Not your typical Farah
Mandems on here are invited of course


tagging all feminist @VixR @dhegdheer @CorpseBride @Sovereign-Reiko @Angela Davis @Cognitivedissonance @AbdiJohnson @The Cushitic One @Noir @Asma

Imma link y'all the addy closer to date..dont worry i got yall!! :banderas:


Imagine Discord Xalimos?????????? They would be so triggered :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:
@Gucci mane tagged all the genuine feminists, I'm sure if he expanded it to Simps you would have been on it as well... :manny:


Sxb, adigana ma team xaasid ayaa ku biirtey? There is no genuine male feminist than me on this board. I even got a tatt that says, 'all men are pigs, except me'. What proof can they bring to the table? Mr Abdi Johnson is in competition with the blessed Cambar, how can he be considered as 'a genuine' male feminist than me? This is outrageous, I object to it and demand an apology.
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