Toronto Islamic teacher charged with sexually assaulting a 10 year old boy!

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He writes nothing but about homosexuality and sent me a message myself. Balaaya kugu dhacday .. Waa nin madaxa looga yara jiro..

He also maintains multiple nicks, and one of that might be this BetterAkhlaaq .. Note the joke in the username itself .. Naming yourself Barafuun/Catar when you stink like a rodent is funny.
The Savagery in this :deadmanny:
I think he’s definetly a troll
He sometimes posts contradicting opinions on one thread
Please reveal the content of the private message


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Inheritly evil people are always gonna deviate and manipulate from the rules and teachings for their own gain. Were human not robots ayeeyo.

Inherently, i take my ayeeyo a$$ self out of this discussion slowly, and discretely.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
The Savagery in this :deadmanny:
I think he’s definetly a troll
He sometimes posts contradicting opinions on one thread
Please reveal the content of the private message

He has been doing this for as long as i can remember. Even in somnet forum. Constantly using multiple usernames, with multiple contrary opinions and standpoints. I concluded long time ago this individual suffers from bi polar.

Wow. Astonishing. So you use Iblees to make your case? LOL

Did you read Lut in Quran? They were punished more than any other nation. How can u say gays were not punished?? ALlaah swt is all forgiving of course, but i think u r a little bit drunk from your own lies huuno.
Read what the Ottoman Caliphs said when they abolished the penalty for homosexuals, my carrot cake. They said Allah prescribes no earthly punishment. The Ottoman caliphate was the most successful caliphate, so I suspect their scholars might know a tad bit more about fiqh than your good self. By the way, in theological terms Iblees is worse than a homosexual. He invites people to idolatry and murder, and he's been doing it since he convinced Cain to kill Abel. He's worse than Hitler and Stalin combined. He was their leader in fact. Yet the Quran shows that even though Allah knew he would do all this, his Shariah was to give him freedom to choose whether to submit or not. There's no coercion in Islam. Only Salafi reformers deny this.


Snicker la'an
Let me sum up this Bestcasescenario dude has said in this thread: 'WAAAAH I CANT ARGUE SO I CALL THE PEOPLE THAT ARE DESTROYING MY ARGUMENTS TROLLS.'

Grow up.

Peace out, got no time for xoolos.
What a disgusting man. If that’s true I hope the rest of his life is cursed. I hate hearing news like this, adults taking advantage of innocent children
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