Top 20 reasons Why PL president Deni Is the best choice for Somalia's presidency and why he would save us?


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
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My personal opinion on Siciid Deni is as Clear as a water, I would say without a single doubt in my mind that he is the best man for the job, Deni is most likely the Somali president we were all hoping to raise among us and save us from this dark age phase and into the future Somalia,just the way we all envisioned as a kid in our mind.

1. Puntland Presidemt Siciid Deni is now one of most loved and influential Somali leaders of this time with a dispute, he is also the most powerful man in Somalia and as of now by controlling 1/3 of Somalia's land in the Puntland region.

Deni he is the un-contested and unchampioned leader of the largest FMS with the most influence
and political power share in Somalia as a whole, if Deni wins Villa Somalia he would automatically become the first FGS president of Somalia to bring close to 15 regions under FGS contoll.

2. President Deni is a man for the people and is for everyone,he is one of those brave Somalis who choose not flee abroad and decided to break their bread with their people, one thing we all agree is for leader to be kind to his citizens he has to raise among the community, he/she has to start his life as a poor & unfortunate kid in inorder to sympyhize with his citizens.

3.Deni is 2 well loved and is popular leader in Somalia and abroad, within his short term in politics which is about a decade he started frlm the ground and rose to prominence swiftly,.

By using his humble personality, oral statementship and his iconic talent of sense of humor and cracking jokes is one of few things he is known for, he has managed to steal the hearts of many of his current supporters(Including me) and others

On top that his work in PL is hard to ignore, he is the man behind PL to be evovle into a flawless & competant administration,he has delivered his PL election promises and went above and beyond and while his term was Midway.

4.Deni is not a man who is new to a rule or having a powerfull power and forces under someone's thumb and reach, his long spotless experience as succesfull politician, business man and Educator/creator of (Nationwide school network of Tadamun schools system)benefiting over
32k students speaks for itself , he was a well loved as an employer a s had many people working working for him In both government and private sectors.

5.Siciid Deni never gives up or fails to deliver his promises to his citizens,he is a well determined man and is very motivated to makes his promises to his citizen's a priority for it to happen.

Deni doesn't not sleep nor does he gives up to achieve his mision/goals/promises to his people, Deni is known to never taking no for an answer as he always finds a way to maneuver around any obstacle on his way, he never gives up or fails to deliver his promises to his citizens and agree to re-sign from his post if he fails.
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[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
6.Deni is a man of an action,he is a go getter and a doer, with a minimum of a trained forces & with a limited or sometimes no budget Deni has tripled PL forces salary and made them one of the Most competent and advancesed forces in the Somali Pennsualia.

7.Deni fights terorrists and fights them aggresivly untill they are fully killed or jailed, he doesn't them reward them with sensitive jobs like President Farmaajo all because of sharing same of subclan , his PL administration shot and killed few Darood A.S operatives publicly in Galkacayo last May.

Deni's administration has also raided and erdicted minor Alshabaab & ISIS cells trying to set up bases in peacefull region of PL twice,he has single handidly destroyed and evicted all terror cell groups who fled from the south and Somaliland regions to no incidents any more and he continues to hold upto PL position as one of the safest places in E.A.

8.Since President Deni is already a millionaire business man, money is not what is motivating him, he is a man who wants to make a change after witnessing the horrors and poverty his people suffered and continue to suffer first hand as a citizen of Somalia since his birth, he didn't join politics to enrich himself or his family/tribe

9.Deni is honest man, he is wants to make a lasting impacts on the life's of ordinary everyday Somalis no matter what,Deni wants to make a difference and become a face of the New Somalia that is past clan violance,terorr plots and warlord besigeja, he simply wants to leave a legacy and become a household name as a the president who saved Somalia from mayham and chaos and to a peacefull thriving country every one eager for.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Best man for the job


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
10. Deni is a kind and treats all Somalis as his people,he also respects minroty tribes and clans, he believes everyone deserves to be a repesented by one of theirs who hails from the same consisuruent, During his term Deni has offered IDPS has a fair with democratic and fair powrshare and a solid and fa government government.Deni is peace loving, energatic,and happy fella, he is not a control freak and always knows how to solve issue using extensive consultatiom sessions with concerned parties, he is basically a political Nabadoon put togher.

11. Deni is not a control freak and never ever abuses his power on others, he is not cuqdad filled and would never trie to punish other rival clans like Farmaajo did

12.Deni is not a corrupt guy since as a president of Puntland he managed to implement/ ennforce the (Puntland taxetion Software) on the government agencies to monitor corruption and make sure taxes payers to see what the government is doing with their money.

13.Deni is believe in democracy,Co federalism andy one man one vote wdemocratic sytem,he didnt just win the title of "Puntland's democracy father" for no reason, he is the PL's first president to do so in only two years into his rule ,Deni was able to achieve making the elections in Puntland the 1m1V system after 7 former PL presidents failed to do so.

14. President Deni is one of the greatest statemens in the current Somali political secene, seasonaly politician who lack both a sense of humor.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
15. Deni is expert in Somali dhaqan and xeer affairs since he never lived outside Somalia more than few months at time

16. He is a great sstatesmens and is very friendly with media,Deni is not affraid to answer to the mediar any timye a major issue develps.

17.Deni is a humble fella and he is simply a friendly and peoples person,he is traveled extensively in Somalia both before the civil war and aftermath,he possess great knowledge of Somali tribal system.

18.Presiddent Deni politics wise is known to be great allay and rewardfull to his friends in the politics spectra, as evivdent in his decade In the game he never backstabbed his alleys like Farmaajo did to all his close friends and even his loyal CBB supporters,Deni never is regrettfull he never forgets to reward them.

19.Deni is not affraid to answer to the media any time any major issue develps both in the country and abroad, he is media go to guy and is very friendly.

20. Deni respects the law and works within the rule of law even if it goes against advancing his political inspirations and their advancements, he doesn't break the law nor he hides c behind the parliament without their knowlege, Deni confides in bjgg government ministrrs and inquirys the parliment approval and confidence on each every thing.
I only care about 2 reasons
1. PL and Somaalia Italiana reunite if Deni wins FGS. This is the upside
2a. The potential downside that also has an upside. EasternSool/Badhan. Aaran Jaan and JSL had a close relationship based on sidelining anti democracy activists from eastern Sool and Badhan. Karaash is not a member of the Aaran Jaan movement but he has temperament problem so even if antidemocracy activists are open supporting him its likely General Cambaashe will protect JSL democracy from what he correctly perceives as attack by a Xuddun warlord paid by PL.

2b. Then we have the Badhan activists against democracy under JSL. They are loyal to MrCheese and so the Aaran Jaan regime prevented these spoilers from getting any seats in the Somaalia Italiana federal parliament. No matter who is in charge of PL, they work with JSL to karbaash aabbe Afweyne style centralists from Eastern Sool and Badhan. Whether or not Deni ascends to FGS, Im expecting Badhan to become more open to democracy under JSL after witnessing what happened to their Somalia Itliana parliament seats. Another wildcard is the Karaash relationship with Badhan we know he doesnt get along with Laas Caanood but what about Badhan
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Always thought deni lived abroad befor touching politics . I like reason number # 2)
We need home grown leaders who have seen how far Somalia has come.

Reason #15 ) 16) are also important trait to have.


My personal opinion on Siciid Deni is as Clear as a water, I would say without a single doubt in my mind that he is the best man for the job, Deni is most likely the Somali president we were all hoping to raise among us and save us from this dark age phase and into the future Somalia,just the way we all envisioned as a kid in our mind.

1. Puntland Presidemt Siciid Deni is now one of most loved and influential Somali leaders of this time with a dispute, he is also the most powerful man in Somalia and as of now by controlling 1/3 of Somalia's land in the Puntland region.

Deni he is the un-contested and unchampioned leader of the largest FMS with the most influence
and political power share in Somalia as a whole, if Deni wins Villa Somalia he would automatically become the first FGS president of Somalia to bring close to 15 regions under FGS contoll.

2. President Deni is a man for the people and is for everyone,he is one of those brave Somalis who choose not flee abroad and decided to break their bread with their people, one thing we all agree is for leader to be kind to his citizens he has to raise among the community, he/she has to start his life as a poor & unfortunate kid in inorder to sympyhize with his citizens.

3.Deni is 2 well loved and is popular leader in Somalia and abroad, within his short term in politics which is about a decade he started frlm the ground and rose to prominence swiftly,.

By using his humble personality, oral statementship and his iconic talent of sense of humor and cracking jokes is one of few things he is known for, he has managed to steal the hearts of many of his current supporters(Including me) and others

On top that his work in PL is hard to ignore, he is the man behind PL to be evovle into a flawless & competant administration,he has delivered his PL election promises and went above and beyond and while his term was Midway.

4.Deni is not a man who is new to a rule or having a powerfull power and forces under someone's thumb and reach, his long spotless experience as succesfull politician, business man and Educator/creator of (Nationwide school network of Tadamun schools system)benefiting over
32k students speaks for itself , he was a well loved as an employer a s had many people working working for him In both government and private sectors.

5.Siciid Deni never gives up or fails to deliver his promises to his citizens,he is a well determined man and is very motivated to makes his promises to his citizen's a priority for it to happen.

Deni doesn't not sleep nor does he gives up to achieve his mision/goals/promises to his people, Deni is known to never taking no for an answer as he always finds a way to maneuver around any obstacle on his way, he never gives up or fails to deliver his promises to his citizens and agree to re-sign from his post if he fails.
I'm not a Deni supporter, but I appreciate this post because you are actually trying to give legit reason to support Deni instead of saying he is good just because he is an MJ like you. It's time that somalis start to support politicians because of ideas and not qabil.
Now my question is how is Deni going to solve the problems of the somali people? I have a few questions for you
1)You said Deni has been successful in fighting against al shaydaan and Xasan in PL which is good. But as you said AS/Daesh presence in PL was scarce to begin with, we are talking about a few hundred fighters. How is Deni going to fight terrorism in southern Somalia considering that Al shaydaan has thousands of fighters, equipment and huge areas where they are in almost total control? Does Deni have a plan to strengthen the SNA?
2) how is Deni going to address the issue of federal member states? Deni is against centralism but as we know Somali federalism is nothing but an excuses to justify the total lack of control of the central government. Even if Deni is a federalist he MUST ensure that the government has some kind of authority on member states. In the US, Germany or Switzerland the tasks of the central government and the tasks of the member states are very clear, they don't fight each other but work together and recognize each other's authority. How is Deni going to implement a working federal model?
3) how is Deni going to conduct Somali foreign policy? Who is he going to support or trade with for the benefit of our country?
4) industrialization and economy are top priority issues for our country. How is somalia going to industrialize in the next years if Deni is elected? Are there any plans of development? PL has Garacad port which is a good example of development , are there any projects for the rest of the country? How is Deni going to tackle unemployment which is one of the main reason somali youth are leaving the country to ask asylum in Europe? How is he going to create jobs in Somalia
5) somaliland is also a huge unresolved issue. PL shares a border with SL how is Deni going to conduct dialogue with SL to solve the issue once and for all?


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
I'm not a Deni supporter, but I appreciate this post because you are actually trying to give legit reason to support Deni instead of saying he is good just because he is an MJ like you. It's time that somalis start to support politicians because of ideas and not qabil.
Now my question is how is Deni going to solve the problems of the somali people? I have a few questions for you
1)You said Deni has been successful in fighting against al shaydaan and Xasan in PL which is good. But as you said AS/Daesh presence in PL was scarce to begin with, we are talking about a few hundred fighters. How is Deni going to fight terrorism in southern Somalia considering that Al shaydaan has thousands of fighters, equipment and huge areas where they are in almost total control? Does Deni have a plan to strengthen the SNA?
2) how is Deni going to address the issue of federal member states? Deni is against centralism but as we know Somali federalism is nothing but an excuses to justify the total lack of control of the central government. Even if Deni is a federalist he MUST ensure that the government has some kind of authority on member states. In the US, Germany or Switzerland the tasks of the central government and the tasks of the member states are very clear, they don't fight each other but work together and recognize each other's authority. How is Deni going to implement a working federal model?
3) how is Deni going to conduct Somali foreign policy? Who is he going to support or trade with for the benefit of our country?
4) industrialization and economy are top priority issues for our country. How is somalia going to industrialize in the next years if Deni is elected? Are there any plans of development? PL has Garacad port which is a good example of development , are there any projects for the rest of the country? How is Deni going to tackle unemployment which is one of the main reason somali youth are leaving the country to ask asylum in Europe? How is he going to create jobs in Somalia
5) somaliland is also a huge unresolved issue. PL shares a border with SL how is Deni going to conduct dialogue with SL to solve the issue once and for all?

You are probably the only MX member who is not a qabyaaliste and is real wadani unlike others who use this card for political gains.

I have seen many MJs supporting farmaajo before and upto now but I don't think you will ever see MX supporting Deni even though his track record and accomplishment is better than Farmaajo.

To answer your question, I am pretty sure President Deni will release his election campaign programs soon and share with us,I am also curious and eager to know what he will focus and promise to the public.

I believe erdicating A.S, setting up the base to Co-federslism framework, transitioning elections to 1M1V and may be move Somalia's to Garowe if UnakaLeh folks and warlords in Xamar become an obstacle to his admin.
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I only care about 2 reasons
1. PL and Somaalia Italiana reunite if Deni wins FGS. This is the upside
2a. The potential downside that also has an upside. EasternSool/Badhan. Aaran Jaan and JSL had a close relationship based on sidelining anti democracy activists from eastern Sool and Badhan. Karaash is not a member of the Aaran Jaan movement but he has temperament problem so even if antidemocracy activists are open supporting him its likely General Cambaashe will protect JSL democracy from what he correctly perceives as attack by a Xuddun warlord paid by PL.

2b. Then we have the Badhan activists against democracy under JSL. They are loyal to MrCheese and so the Aaran Jaan regime prevented these spoilers from getting any seats in the Somaalia Italiana federal parliament. No matter who is in charge of PL, they work with JSL to karbaash aabbe Afweyne style centralists from Eastern Sool and Badhan. Whether or not Deni ascends to FGS, Im expecting Badhan to become more open to democracy under JSL after witnessing what happened to their Somalia Itliana parliament seats. Another wildcard is the Karaash relationship with Badhan we know he doesnt get along with Laas Caanood but what about Badhan
Man this response :dead: :mjlaugh:


You are probably the only MX member who is not a qabyaaliste and is real wadani unlike others who use this card for political gains.

I have seen many MJs supporting farmaajo before and upto now but I don't think you will ever see MX supporting Deni even though his track record and accomplishment is better than Farmaajo.

To answer your question, I am pretty sure President Deni will release his election campaign programs soon and share with us,I am also curious and eager to know what he will focus and promise to the public.

I believe erdicating A.S, setting up the base to Co-federslism framework, transitioning elections to 1M1V and may be move Somalia's to Garowe if UnakaLeh folks and warlords in Xamar become an obstacle to his admin.
Before being MX I'm a Somali patriot.
To be honest right now Deni isn't my ideal candidate but I'm ready to support any candidate that can solve the issues of the somali nation regardless of qabil.
I think it's good that there are many MJs supporting Farmaajo and some MX who dislike him. This is what a healthy democracy looks like , if you hate/love Farmaajo or Deni based on their ideas and actions it means you are actually using your brain. Unfortunately many somalis still support their own qabil candidate.


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