Too much hatred between koonfurians and waqooyians must end

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Yes our country Somalia enough for all of us.

Unless u are Somalidiid:meleshame:

El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
We are Somalis, Muslims and share a great country.
Lets put past behind us.
NOPE! we never shared a country, yall just made us side chicks in the union we created and in return you bombed us into smithereens. im afraid we will never again...maybe after we do the same to you and wipe koonfur off the map. jk

El padrone

Hedonist, Depressive realist, Existential nihilist
srsly before we even start talking about sharing another country yall need to pay alot of reparations and billions of fucking dollars then maybe we can talk about a union called somaliland where we are the prez and pm and have total majority in the parliament! sounds good deal imo


Weeping for the Nation of 68
srsly before we even start talking about sharing another country yall need to pay alot of reparations and billions of fucking dollars then maybe we can talk about a union called somaliland where we are the prez and pm and have total majority in the parliament! sounds good deal imo

No fucking way
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