Taxation is theft
I love him and he made a movie called Fatherless America. This is one of my favorite videos. His songs @Basra @BoqorkaChess Listen to the song at the end
No, I live in Chiraq and yes, a majority of black women are es. Not the Haitians or other Africans. Just African Americans. Now there’s a group of ghetto folks robbing people.He is unfortunately full of negative energy for his own people and loves to blame everything on black women.
Remember just because someone sprinkles a little truth to a destructive message, it doesn’t make it right. I believe you should follow more positive role models that spread good message in the black community in America
Me, my dad and grandpa got screwed over by trying to uplift our Wakandan brethren. Not all of them, but the ignorant ones are too much power. If a white Jew is being a degenerate, then they get excommunicated. Even Africans know this. Facts are facts.He is unfortunately full of negative energy for his own people and loves to blame everything on black women.
Remember just because someone sprinkles a little truth to a destructive message, it doesn’t make it right. I believe you should follow more positive role models that spread good message in the black community in America
Why do you always post shit about them?
Do you have a complex about black people or something?
I thought is was Tom Sawyer
Well, I live in hotep central, Chicongo. The stories I have.Why do you always post shit about them?
Do you have a complex about black people or something?
But hugs for the white cop ? And you’re calling Tommy are coon but you’re also making fun of him being dark? Would it be okay if he was light or mixed ?
I love him and he made a movie called Fatherless America. This is one of my favorite videos. His songs @Basra @BoqorkaChess Listen to the song at the end
No, these black women are messed up. Even my lesbo Mayor got her a white girl. Feminism has destroyed their mind.I don't like him. He hates his black mother, but channelled his hate towards ALL black women. Women usually reject him due to a short coming he has, don't want get into it
But hugs for the white cop ? And you’re calling Tommy are coon but you’re also making fun of him being dark? Would it be okay if he was light or mixed ?