to muslims who arent fasting/praying

Do you feel a darkness in your chest? I know it seems easier to follow your nafs, but it ends up being harder on your body in the end.
pray all of your prayers, read your adkar, stay firm on your fasting, stay grateful and stay away from negativity, fighting people, anger will not only be following an obligation, but you will feel so much more lightness in your heart.

According to Wabisah bin Ma’bad (radhiyAllahu ‘anhu) who said, “I came to the Messenger of Allah (sallaAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) and he said:

“You have come to ask about righteousness ?”

” Yes,” I answered. He said:

“Consult your heart. Righteousness is that about which the soul feels tranquil and the heart feels tranquil, and sin is what creates restlessness in the soul and moves to and fro in the breast, even though people give you their opinion (in your favour) and continue to do so.”

stay in a state of wudu, and read the quran and spend some time reflecting on it : ) Don't miss out on all the good of Ramadan

Ramadan Mubarak! 🌙


Let's not shame sin? This is a Muslim/Somali forum, not one that believes in liberalism. All sins are shameful.
So you want us to talk about the sin and shame them? By shaming them, I'll receive the same as my bad deeds will be exposed to everyone on Judgement day. Also it's not my place to talk about it.
So you want us to talk about the sin and shame them? By shaming them, I'll receive the same as my bad deeds will be exposed to everyone on Judgement day. Also it's not my place to talk about it.

All of your takes are consistently liberal and about preserving degenaracy and liberalism over Islam. Sins are shameful, and Muslims need to be reminded always.


All of your takes are consistently liberal and about preserving degenaracy and liberalism over Islam. Sins are shameful, and Muslims need to be reminded always.
I understand that sins are shameful but we're not going to discuss other people's sins on a forum.. If you want to, then go ahead but that's between you and Allah.
I understand that sins are shameful but we're not going to discuss other people's sins on a forum.. If you want to, then go ahead but that's between you and Allah.

No one was discussing any individuals personal sins. It was a general statement, and yes Muslims should be reminded.


No one was discussing any individuals personal sins. It was a general statement, and yes Muslims should be reminded.
I'm aware that no one was discussing but for future references, I stated that. I hope this is not a misunderstanding between us walaal.

