Timojeelics laugh at recent holistic man video

Most Somalis have Yemeni and Medieval Oromo ancestry. You have no idea about Somali Population Genetics.

Secondly, I wouldn’t mind Somali women if they were keeping their ideology to themself but these Somali women like all Muslim women born in the West are the soldiers of the Far-Leftist religion.

You must be a triggered rainbow flag supporter. Leftism is a disease and must be fought wherever it rears it’s ugly head.
Sorry I don’t spend my time making g25 coordinates for my kid? Medieval Oromo/Yemeni ancestry is not why you posted that tweet lol you posted it because you descend from mixed Yemeni-Somalis. You’re always playing up your minor arab ancestry lol.

Somali women can support leftism if they want to, they can be right wing if they want to. They have the right to free speech and can say and do as they please. It’s pathetic how you come on here and complain about what Somali girls do with their lives whilst being married to a Moroccan lol. I am the polar opposite of a leftist, I just won’t stand for people like you insulting other Somalis when they have chosen to marry an ajanabi. Lol at you complaining about leftism on here but complaining about extreme conservatism and niqab on twitter as well as posting garbage like this

Doubt it. His online shenanigans will definitely prevent this. No individual wants to be with someone that posts negative videos about the opposite sex.
I don't believe it I have seen some girls complimenting him in his comment section and in real life i am sure not everyone has a negative opinion of him
I don’t particularly take offence to what that holistic guy says because some of it is true and I have seen men talk about those things since forever however…

Men who gossip like this feel very emasculate and feminine and some biological instinct in me feels like they are like a bittchy woman. I can’t even describe it…

Also another thing that really irritates me and backs that claim up is how he only ever talks about women when the WHOLE Somali community is in shambles. For gods sake the way they portrayed Somali men in that Netflix show is not something to be proud of! But when it comes to those issues it’s silence…..

Idk it kinda feels like someone who wants to compete with other women, it’s so weird….
Didn't reer American do janazah for Floyd you guys can't be out here acting holier then thou :comeon:

Every diaspora is a mess and so are the ones back home
Im not rer uk, henny nor american. But the american diaspora is by better than the two others.

I disagree there’s many quiet diasporas like finland, norway, Australia, netherland and the gulf/africa diaspora are quite succesful & organized.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Normally I’d see one or two people arguing in the replies/quotes like they do when qof madoow says something but when it comes to tj’s I’ve noticed UK somalis let them say whatever. Is it because they’re muslim or?
It’s because they aren’t black. These somali guys on twitter are begs to non-blacks, especially non-black Muslims, and only have smoke for madhows.
They complain about somali girls being begs while being begs themselves.
Who in their right mind would choose the cancer patient on the left over the guy on the right? Who gave madhow men the confidence.
Well obviously they did. You don't see the same confidence when it comes to madow guys with Asian women
And not the Ethiopian girl saying “we could be siblings”, like indhoyar girls.

That's just a cop out excuse.
I saw a stat that states about indhoyars that was wild. Although everyone knows they marry out to cadaans at 25% they actually date/live with cadaans at like 40 something or 50 something (I forgot the exact number percentage wise) basically there are most likely more Asian and cadaan couples then Asian and Asian outside of Asia. I'm asumming habesha with ajnabis are the same when it comes to dating out of there ethnicity in the west but it's not really checked because it mainly within the same race and they have the we are all madow mentality.
Holistic man back it again with another made up story about Somali girls. His video was reposted on a twitter by a tj who found it funny. When Somalis ask why a tj would tweet this, UK somalis come out to defend the tj. Can someone explain to me why become cucks for timojeelics? This isn’t the 1st time I’ve seen it happen either.

Nothing wrong with that, I see no difference between a Muslim from east Africa laughing at this than a Muslim from south Asia


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
uk diaspora is the best right now,we have the highest university enrollment,highest median income out of all the diasporas in the west

