Timbuktu manuscripts

I was just reading about the timbuktu manuscripts again and came across this cambridge journal articles where they examine 32 of the mansucripts libraries. Apparently a lot of the manuscripts ( this study looked at 300,000 manuuscirpts) aren't full manuscripts but 1 or 2 folios which are really just pages and most of it is anonymous and there are lot of duplicate works . And most of them seem to be from the 20th century. Reading the article is kind of depressing but it does explain why it feels like nobody has put as much time as you would expect if there really was hundreds of thousands of complete manuscripts. I also noticed this when I looked at the ethiopian manuscripts in the hmml collcetion in which the majority are 19-20th century. I've honestly come full circle when it comes to african history. It's crazy how much shit is just exaggerated.
I never knew of an study that looked at 300,000 Timbuktu manuscripts drop a link if you got it, also most Ethiopian manuscripts date to before the 18th century, and most were destroyed by Adal
Here is the timbuktu article linkhttps://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/history-in-africa/article/whats-in-the-manuscripts-of-timbuktu-a-survey-of-the-contents-of-31-private-libraries/89202946609FB726FE85A2D7EABC75DB

I looked at the ethiopian manuscripts in the hmml collection. There are about 8000 manuscripts and most of them date after the 18th century.
Here is the timbuktu article linkhttps://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/history-in-africa/article/whats-in-the-manuscripts-of-timbuktu-a-survey-of-the-contents-of-31-private-libraries/89202946609FB726FE85A2D7EABC75DB

I looked at the ethiopian manuscripts in the hmml collection. There are about 8000 manuscripts and most of them date after the 18th century.
Yhh I looked up that one and most seem to be late but this is one collection there are many more, idk shit about Ethiopian manuscripts but chatgpt says most predate the 18th century. But yeah if it did date till after that time I wouldn’t be surprised given the fact that Adal destroyed majority of their churches and monasteries
west african exaggerated the shit out of their history and most of the time it works, W for them
I wouldn't say that . The timbuktu manuscripts are still the largest collection. I think the lack of primary sources on african history. Which is outnumber by any sizeable European country . Means that western scholars and the pouplar culture exaggerate in the other direction.

