Meh was that all you could come up with, too bad zak , playtime is over.You insult like a female too. What a softy.
Meh was that all you could come up with, too bad zak , playtime is over.You insult like a female too. What a softy.
F*ck Eritreans they have this Sour smell it's disgusting wallahiYeah it’s musty too. I think it’s normal. Eritreans fobs also have a distinct smell.
Geeljire Musk HAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!maybe it's the geeljire musk that rub of to us.
somalia has the highest polulation camels anyways.
it's a fact that camels smell though.Geeljire Musk HAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!
Meh was that all you could come up with, too bad zak , playtime is over.
daacadnimo . They could mean the opposite. KkkkkThe fobish smell lol.
I've been blessed odorless. Even my co workers acknowledge this my telling me how come I don't give off a scent lol.
daacadnimo . They could mean the opposite. Kkkkk
It's from uunsi and Somali food.. Just a guess.. I as well was wondering about this smell the other day when I passed by a Somali masjid..Soulsearching walle you are one of the chillest here just had to put that out, but how come its almost identical the smell with other Somalis too HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?
same, and im a hairless ape, no beard, no forearm hair, my armpits are thin like asian hair and i have no scent.The fobish smell lol.
I've been blessed odorless. Even my co workers acknowledge this my telling me how come I don't give off a scent lol.
How do these FOBs acquıre that smell?The fobish smell lol.
I've been blessed odorless. Even my co workers acknowledge this my telling me how come I don't give off a scent lol.
Please LMAO can you describe it in your own words I am curiousI remember that “smell” all too well. I depise it.
I grew up in the suburbs and that “smell” was never part of my life until my mother sponsored all her family members from galkayo. They went to live in those low income Somali dominated homes and that’s when I was first introduced to it.Please LMAO can you describe it in your own words I am curious
HHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAI grew up in the suburbs and that “smell” was never part of my life until my mother sponsored all her family members from galkayo. They went to live in those low income Somali dominated homes and that’s when I was first introduced to it.
I would come back from the weekend from over their place and that shxt stuck on my Winter jacket and sweaters. Go to school that Monday and “MOHAMED, why tf u smell like that dude”
It smells like onions mixed with oily ass spice.
Fuxkin hate it.