@TimaJilic how's Burco, are you still there?
It's good. We should open multiplexes like this for small time traders. The shop-fronts(bakaaro) in Somalia should donate a portion of their profits to create a 'multiplex' like this and rent out a 'shop front'. It's a good business investment to create multiplex. You receive good returns from rentals, but it requires government intervention to force people to stop selling outside in open market places so they are forced into multiplexes.
Right now 'shop-fronts' are not ideal in Somalia, they are not contained in one place, sometimes u have to travel the other side of town for a specific product. If they were in a mini mall like this or pedesterian mall as they call it, this would ensure 'foot traffic' for all businesses in the multiplex. But if the 'bakaar' is somewhere else independently by himself, it is bad location because he is missing all the foot traffic he could've scored from being located in a mini mall. It's in their interest small traders to bring their products into one building.