this group is a greater danger to israel than the external enemies. Haaretz opinion


Forza Somalia!
".. A sect with superstitious sanctities "sacred nonsense" from the Middle Bronze Age, a malicious threat that threatens the existence of the state, its sanity, and its values, much more than all its external enemies... gangs of violent radicals convinced that their strange god speaks from their throats, that they are above all people, and that everything is permissible for the sake of Fulfilling their desires.”

".. A sect with superstitious sanctities "sacred nonsense" from the Middle Bronze Age, a malicious threat that threatens the existence of the state, its sanity, and its values, much more than all its external enemies... gangs of violent radicals convinced that their strange god speaks from their throats, that they are above all people, and that everything is permissible for the sake of Fulfilling their desires.”

who is the yahuud talking about

