They know what’s coming...

I honestly want to know your though process for supporting a white supremacist @Jacki, do you think this would be good for you or your family when you are BLACK AND MUSLIM??
I honestly want to know your though process for supporting a white supremacist @Jacki, do you think this would be good for you or your family when you are BLACK AND MUSLIM??
First of all, we clearly have COMPLETELY different definitions of what a white supremacist is. For example, I’d consider calling black men “super predators” and pushing a bill to target inner black cities to be white supremacist behavior. A Policy that irreversible damaged countless black families and put black father in prison by the thousands. Actual policies that hurt actual people and ruined countless families. That’s Biden policy. Who’s the white supremacist here?

Tucker Carlson doesn’t create policy. What has he done that you deem him a white supremacist? And don’t come over here with that “ he called Iraqis premative monkeys” nonsense. There’s no reason US soldiers should be laying down their lives in a country we should’ve never been in. In the context of that conversation he was advocating pulling US troops out of iraq, and said that Iraqs were acting like premative monkeys. Which they were. And we should’ve pulled the troops. In addition, he was credited as one of the main voices that kept the US from starting a war with Iran early this year. Look it up.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
First of all, we clearly have COMPLETELY different definitions of what a white supremacist is. For example, I’d consider calling black men “super predators” and pushing a bill to target inner black cities to be white supremacist behavior. A Policy that irreversible damaged countless black families and put black father in prison by the thousands. Actual policies that hurt actual people and ruined countless families. That’s Biden policy. Who’s the white supremacist here?

Tucker Carlson doesn’t create policy. What has he done that you deem him a white supremacist?

blah, blah, blah..... I care nothing about whatever the white supremacists have coming their way.... and if you want to defend them, there is something very wrong with you
You think you are edgy supporting Republicans that despise you and put immigrants in cages?

For one, they don’t despise me. Baseless stupid thing to say, but can’t expect much more from sspot degenerates anyway :) secondly, those “cages” were built by the obama administration. Not republicans. So take it up with them and call them racists for putting illegal aliens into “cages”.
blah, blah, blah..... I care nothing about whatever the white supremacists have coming their way.... and if you want to defend them, there is something very wrong with you
Why bother replying if you’re not reading? Missing a few screws, are we?


Bantu Liberation Movement
For one, they don’t despise me. Baseless stupid thing to say, but can’t expect much more from sspot degenerates anyway :) secondly, those “cages” were built by the obama administration. Not republicans. So take it up with them and call them racists for putting illegal aliens into “cages”.
The degenerate here is you. Trump is on tape talking about Somalis let alone his vitriol against immigrants.

Those cages were built for single men not children that were separated from their families. There are now 100s of kids that can't find their parents.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

"Democrats are the REAL racists!"

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Google words before you use them buddy

Do you think you're white? Go to West Virginia, go to South Carolina, actually go to those places and go see how much those people love you. You're defending those kkk types while you probably live in a liberal area.
@Jacki are you trying to be the next Ayaan Hirsi Ali?
There is only one Ayan hirsi Ali.
The degenerate here is you. Trump is on tape talking about Somalis let alone his vitriol against immigrants.

Those cages were built for single men not children that were separated from their families. There are now 100s of kids that can't find their parents.
The cages have been used the same way by the trump administration as the Obama administration. But somehow this “cage” conversation was never a thing before trump entires office and suddenly it was a racist travesty. Funny how what’s racist depends on the party in power. Hilarious really.


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