These Ethiopians made Gospel Dhaanto

Im sure @AbdiFreedom paid them, this is very concerning.
Come On Eye Roll GIF

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
We could have seriously assimilated the whole horn to become muslims and somalis but only 1 man Allah yerhama had that idea, the great, the geesiest somali man ever, Imam Axmed Gurey AUN to this man.

Even when somalis are not exporting their culture we got folks around the world listening to us and mimicking us. Imam Axmed Gurey AUN mission should have been repeated multiple times but figures like him never happened. We need a man like him again.
We could have seriously assimilated the whole horn to become muslims and somalis but only 1 man Allah yerhama had that idea, the great, the geesiest somali man ever, Imam Axmed Gurey AUN to this man.

Even when somalis are not exporting their culture we got folks around the world listening to us and mimicking us. Imam Axmed Gurey AUN mission should have been repeated multiple times but figures like him never happened. We need a man like him again.

I think I’m convinced he’s not Somali he’s origins are unknown and many historians claim he might be Somali but it’s no a hundred percent known

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
I think I’m convinced he’s not Somali he’s origins are unknown and many historians claim he might be Somali but it’s no a hundred percent known

The place he was born is inhabited by somalis, all the important people in Futux are somalis, the army is mostly somali, there is not a single question the man is somali. No other ethnic group can prove it and they are larping.

What would he be if he wasn’t somali? Harari? These folks didn’t even exist when he was born. Ethio-semite? Many became muslim due to somali traders and Imams Axmed Gureys conquest. Oromo? These guys only came into the area after the wars between somalis and habash, so they are out of the question.

Walaal, don’t entertain any other idea that he wasn’t somali. Waa nin somaali, his descendants are somali, qabiils fight over him.


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
They are pentecost. Ethiopian evangelicals belonging to the American evangelical confession.

they make such music to convert many people. some of the followers of the Pente in Ethiopia are known to fight with Muslims and orthodox, challenge their faith, attack their faith in order to convert many to American evangelical doctrine.

this people are likely Oromo evengelicals. Many oromos have converted to the evangelical confession. The pm of Ethiopia is also pente
We could have seriously assimilated the whole horn to become muslims and somalis but only 1 man Allah yerhama had that idea, the great, the geesiest somali man ever, Imam Axmed Gurey AUN to this man.

Even when somalis are not exporting their culture we got folks around the world listening to us and mimicking us. Imam Axmed Gurey AUN mission should have been repeated multiple times but figures like him never happened. We need a man like him again.
Even if I failed to have a flag flown forme fromhere to Nairobi,
Did I not gain religioushonour and paradise, and victory and defeat [inwar]?
Although I failed to obtain the luscious pastures of the
'lid [region]and theNugaal as grazing,23 Did I not successfullyridemy steedout towar?
AlthoughIfailedtogetpeople toshowme sympathyand
to acknowledge their kinship with me,
Did I not gain God's mercy and [the reward of seeing]
the Prophet's countenance?

Even the so-Called Northern Kenya, Eastern coastal regions and Nairobi should have been within our sphere of influence, hence why the Sayid mentions Ila Nairobi in the poem above.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
I think I’m convinced he’s not Somali he’s origins are unknown and many historians claim he might be Somali but it’s no a hundred percent known
Every historian around the world claims he’s Somali, it’s only the Ethiopian historian that claim otherwise.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
We could have seriously assimilated the whole horn to become muslims and somalis but only 1 man Allah yerhama had that idea, the great, the geesiest somali man ever, Imam Axmed Gurey AUN to this man.

Even when somalis are not exporting their culture we got folks around the world listening to us and mimicking us. Imam Axmed Gurey AUN mission should have been repeated multiple times but figures like him never happened. We need a man like him again.
Somalis failed in conquering or Dominating the Horn

I am certain if it was Arabs or Persians/ottomans who inhabited Somalia, they would have assimilated all of East africa forget the horn
You guys are really stupid, this isn't an obsession with our culture, it's a literally a campaign directed at Somalis and how to christinize them! Jigjiga will fall soon.
allow naga soo gaadh!


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
Somalis failed in conquering or Dominating the Horn

I am certain if it was Arabs or Persians/ottomans who inhabited Somalia, they would have assimilated all of East africa forget the horn
We only failed due to the interference of the Europeans, our ancestors would’ve literally taken over the whole Horn of Africa. Have a read, quite interesting.


EritreanPost 🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇸🇩🇪🇬 |Eritrean news blogger
You guys are really stupid, this isn't an obsession with our culture, it's a literally a campaign directed at Somalis and how to christinize them! Jigjiga will fall soon.
allow naga soo gaadh!
No Waarya. Somalis in Ethiopia have the highest birth rate in Ethiopia. They are already now the third largest tribe in Ethiopia. Somalis are the sleeping giant of Ethiopia

the non Somalis won’t be able to grab Somali Peoples land.

