There needs to be a revival of the somali language

I have come to realise that the somali we use day to day is very lacking vocabulary wise, I have observed this within somalis back home and the ones in the diaspora, we tend to use arabic, italian and english words rather than using somali words that actually exist for some reason to the point that they become obsolete ie weekdays in contemporary somali. Also using words from the somali dictionaries are of no use as others wont understand and so you cant practice your newly acquired vocabulary, not to mention the scarcity of books written in somali which mostly do not even use proper somali and contain cliche qabyaalad. If somali continues like this, it will become a creole. Us diaspora somalis are exacerbating it too.


Coping through the 1st world
I believe you’re referring to loan words, correct?

People from a different groups use loan words.

Even the English people use them.


Latin, French and even some of them being derived from the Arabic words.

Like: alchemy (modern words for chemistry), or even alcohol.

This is not a sign the language is going away anywhere.
I believe you’re referring to loan words, correct?

People from a different groups use loan words.

Even the English people use them.


Latin, French and even some of them being derived from the Arabic words.

Like: alchemy (modern words for chemistry), or even alcohol.

This is not a sign the language is going away anywhere.
no, im talking about the deliberate disregard for somali words and replacing them with non somali words, for instance in somaliland they count in english and also the weekdays are in arabic for all somali regions, in both cases there are somali words but due to usage of non somali words maybe to sound more classy(from personal experience), somali words are becoming obsolete


Coping through the 1st world
I say we switch over to Arabic. Cushitic languages are laangaab

The most dominant languages on earth is English, Mandarin and Spanish.

I rather see Somalis learn these languages for better use to integrate than just Arabic.

Even Arabs wanted to learn English just to integrate.

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The most dominant languages on earth is English, Mondrian and Spanish.

I rather see Somalis learning these languages for better use to integrate than just Arabic.

Even Arabs wanted to learn English just to integrate.

we need to preserve the somali language, its literally becoming a creole as we integrate non somali words into the language which are incompatible with the grammar of our language.


Coping through the 1st world
no, im talking about the deliberate disregard for somali words and replacing them with non somali words, for instance in somaliland they count in english and also the weekdays are in arabic for all somali regions, in both cases there are somali words but due to usage of non somali words maybe to sound more classy(from personal experience), somali words are becoming obsolete

I don’t know how bad that sounds.

learning different languages is a sign of an educated.

But I’d agree there should be a limit when it comes to this.

For example: I don’t mind seeing Somalis learn Arabic, if they wanted to do business in the Arab world.

Or learn Mandarin to do finances with the Chinese.

But as you said: we also need to protect the security of our languages and make sure it’s persevered.

We’re going through a bit of a national insecurity; so I get where you’re coming from.
I don’t know how bad that sounds.

learning different languages is a sign of an educated.

But I’d agree there should be a limit when it comes to this.

For example: I don’t mind seeing Somalis learn Arabic, if they wanted to do business in the Arab world.

Or learn Mandarin to do finances with the Chinese.

But as you said: we also need to protect the security of our languages and make sure it’s persevered.

We’re going through a bit of a national insecurity; so I get where you’re coming from.
im not against learning other languages, i was talking about the watering down of the somali language as people tend to try an incorporate non somali words to somali instead of using actual somali words which exist and make sense grammatically and dont undermine the languages existence. As usage of non somali words in the somali language increases, the language we know today will cease to exist in couple more generations and will become more of an arabic creole with english and italian influences, since we already lack an established bodies that preserves the language and promotes the discontinuation of non somali words in somali( I am not referring to loan words that have been incorporated into the language already). Also we have this culture, where its normal for someone whilst speaking somali to use non somali words frequently, Im not referring to loan words that have been somalised but rather proper arabic/english/ italian words. you know how crazy it would sound if i was speaking to someone in english then all of a sudden im like the weather is qurux, the thought of it is ludicrous, but you can get away with that in somali.


Coping through the 1st world

Have you noticed in America (the melting pot of the new word) doesn’t have an official language?

They all speak English because they know it’s a dominant language.

As Somalis our daqan have expanded through the horn.

Every minorities we have in Somalia knows the best way is to integrate to our language and culture -just so they could fit in with the majority groups.

In our colonial period: the English and the Italian
forced us to speak their languages. We haven’t fallen under their colonial power.

We kept our language and culture intact for decades.

If you were born into their periods you’d lose all forms of hopes.

But that didn’t happen; our culture and language is still there and will be there.

We ain’t going anywhere.


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
The most dominant languages on earth is English, Mandarin and Spanish.

I rather see Somalis learn these languages for better use to integrate than just Arabic.

Even Arabs wanted to learn English just to integrate.

Maybe that too. But I’m sick of the uugaa aaa baaa taaa nonsense claiming to be a language
I say we switch over to Arabic. Cushitic languages are laangaab
Lol no. It won't even be that useful in the modern world anyway. Nothing wrong with keeping our own language. Learn Arabic as a second language if you want but it should never be the first, unless you are a native Arab.


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
Lol no. It won't even be that useful in the modern world anyway. Nothing wrong with keeping our own language. Learn Arabic as a second language if you want but it should never be the first, unless you are a native Arab.
It’s a language with better grammar and fewer loan words. Did you know our language was first written in the 1970s? It’s an extremely limited language with no native alphabet
It’s a language with better grammar and fewer loan words. Did you know our language was first written in the 1970s? It’s an extremely limited language with no native alphabet
thats why we need to revive the real somali language with fewer loan words, and need to come up with a native script rather than using langaab latin which is indicative of us getting colonised.
I have come to realise that the somali we use day to day is very lacking vocabulary wise, I have observed this within somalis back home and the ones in the diaspora, we tend to use arabic, italian and english words rather than using somali words that actually exist for some reason to the point that they become obsolete ie weekdays in contemporary somali. Also using words from the somali dictionaries are of no use as others wont understand and so you cant practice your newly acquired vocabulary, not to mention the scarcity of books written in somali which mostly do not even use proper somali and contain cliche qabyaalad. If somali continues like this, it will become a creole. Us diaspora somalis are exacerbating it too.
Ima dhicine, bal ii yare saaf?


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