There is no Somalis in NYC


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
NYC is the financial capital of America heck the world,being economic migrants and not having a presence there does not make sense .
I updated some thread where we have articles about Somali New Yorkers as early as the 1920s although very few. Very informative thread although not too much comments or posts .
Hope you like it 👍
NYC sucks sxb!
I was there last year. The streets are dirty, too many homeless people, trains are unsafe.
You should only live there if you are rich, otherwise, it's so ghetto and dangerous!

Prime Minister

Somali Promotion Agent
New York is huge people think about New York as Manhattan but there are 5 boroughs and there are Somalis in Brooklyn.
NYC is an expensive and competitive city where i feel like most Somali families (who arent born and raised in the west) aren't capable to live there. Most Somalis wouldn't want to live in the ghettos with the maadows due to fear and assimilation, and of course, if you aren't competitive as a demographic, you won't survive in the city that never sleeps. Hence why you see Somalis in welfare states. If we were only business savy and didn't pop too much children for welfare paychecks, then you would see somalis flourish in big cities across America like Habeshas are doing in DC and LA. Truth be told.
Good. I don't think NYC is a good place for Somalis to raise a family.
it would have been a good place for us if we were business savy and only the well off Somalis moved there . We wouldn't have stuck out like sore thumb ilike we do in Minnesota and we would have had a gated community like the Arabs in Queens.
There is a growing community of Somalis there in recent years from what i've heard.

Fun fact though, the earliest Somalis in America from 1910s were Sailors and Merchants who settled in NYC who set up businesses, stations, community centers, restaurants and shops. Even helped build the subway stations . Some even ended up partaking in the civil rights struggles of the 1960s

Somalis in NYC were the first African immigrant community in America and the first Muslim group in the United States.

It's an interesting read:

Some notes on my latest research project: a close narration of the archives of Somali seafarers in New York City.

According to Somali elders, this Somali scent arrived in Harlem through a man named Haji Sateen Yusuf. He came to New York long before Ega. A Somali seafarer, he moved to the city in 1911 in search of work. To support himself, he helped build MTA subway stations including Jamaica Stn. He also found other hustles. Sateen was not isolated when he arrived at the turn of the 20th century. He met with a dozen other Somali roses who’d made a home in Harlem.

Somalis settled in the Bowery before moving up to Harlem as subway lines were laid, in part by Somalis themselves. This community represented the first African immigrant group and the first Islamic group in the United States. The voyage was harsh, taking 18 months from Somalia to New York around the southern tip of Africa
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NYC is the financial capital of America heck the world,being economic migrants and not having a presence there does not make sense .
There is a somali guy that has a hedge fund in New York not only that he has an office in the empire state building. He makes crazy money he also has a tiktok


Plotting world domination
NYC is the financial capital of America heck the world,being economic migrants and not having a presence there does not make sense .
We have Somali professionals, and some students, and models living in NYC.

That's about it. Your avg somali that doesn't have a good salary simply can't afford to live there.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
NYC is the financial capital of America heck the world,being economic migrants and not having a presence there does not make sense .

To survive in NYC u have to be quick at mind, street smarts,Hard worker, Alpha brain, etc etc

Somalis are the opposite. Somalis need welfare states to cuddle them.


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