There’s a weird phenomenon with maadow chicks simps for Asian guys

But why you not think that they would not problems. I mean, East Asians are known for being small, but there’s a lot of bbws trying to date them. They fund going there by applying for an English teaching job. I personally blame white liberals and pro black simps for gassing their heads
NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO LIVE IN S. KOREA!!!! Why didn’t move to the Gold Coast if you wanted feel comfortable and accepted.
There’s hundreds of YouTube channels for black girls dating non-black men. Has anyone been around bw when that half breed chick married Prince Harry ? Like they SO HAPPY . It’s so cringe.


Abaayo macaan, good to have you back laakin we need you to briefly take your foot off of madow womens' neck. Let them breathe for a minute.
Abaayo macaan, good to have you back laakin we need you to briefly take your foot off of madow womens' neck. Let them breathe for a minute.
No, I have to deal with their bs and pay all these high ass taxes because Lil Ray Tay needs an afternoon. His mum works 60 hours a week as a CNA/HCA/INSERT State job.

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
.Has anyone been around bw when that half breed chick married Prince Harry ? Like they SO HAPPY . It’s so cringe.
That half breed chick aka Meghan Markle looks more white than she looks black. Plus she’s fine AF:ahh:

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
No, they call her fully black. I’ve had arguements with AA chicks about it. I never understand why they think that, when they complain about colorism all the time
Yeah I obviously know she’s classified as black due to the one drop rule but she looks more white in my opinion.
its not their fault saxib. anime and kpop have people forgetting that east asians are still really xenophobic :francis:


Cirka Gacan Saarte 💪🏾🇸🇴
Not just any madows. Most of these women are first and second generation Africans :deadmanny:
Not just any madows. Most of these women are first and second generation Africans :deadmanny:
I know. My Ugandan Uber driver is saying that they’re taunting them, too. Cardi B has been trying become a Nigerian citizen and wants to “help” Africa. Think about that Cuties movie.
Not just any madows. Most of these women are first and second generation Africans :deadmanny:
Also, if they were Somali girls doing this, I would imagine that their parents would beat them. My dad was VERY strict about pride. I told me until my late twenties to fully understand that 1. Other races are obligated to accept you . 2. Trying to guilt trip people into liking you through pity or forced obligations, will make them dislike you more. This is and the fact maadow women with a western mindset have the highest requirements with others but wants to complete acceptance are why non-blacks and traditional Africans dislike them