The Wisdom in Geel Jire Culture & How Fasaad was kept at bay

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They absolutely nuked your thread with garbage @Inquisitive_.


The air, food, culture, spirituality/ lack thereof - everything, is poison out here. You're literally being bombarded on all fronts. We're living through a unique period.

Take women for example.

Both genders have their weaknesses - in the case of women it's their susceptibility to manipulation.

They conform pefectly to whatever system the ruling men place them in. They are the ideal minions of a tyrant. It's no wonder entire villages of women widowed by defeated armies were so easily assimilated - they never rebelled.

The biggest 'sexists' in Somalia are the older traditional women for example; who champions the tradition of fgm the most? Who has more conservative views out of your grandparents when it comes to women?

Why are women equally or more (relatively) cruel/racist/warmongering during those respective periods eg. white women during negro enslavement?

Let's extrapolate this to the now and present. We are living in a occult satanic period; this is obvious. By the looks of it, the women of our time are adapting to the system quite well.

Ilaaha leenahay.
U ain't lying about women being extremely susceptible to being manipulated, take for example in the AA community, back in the civil rights movement AA were united and almost unbreakable, the government enticed AA women with welfare and the only way they could do that was if they kicked out the husband/father of her child out the house, and they even went a step further by encouraging them to put child support on the men for 18yrs, it might seem like it's the right thing to do to make the father of the child pay child support money to his baby mother but they made this rule in a sinister way where the father has to pay close to 40% of his income to the child and if he misses the payments the first thing they do is suspend the man's drivers license incapacitating him, then they basically lock him up and give him a record on his background which gives employers excuses not to hire him.

Other way they manipulated AA women into believing they're powerful is they prefer to give them positions of power over their AA men counterparts (judges, lawyers, supervisors ect), little do they know they're only being used as pawns to destroy their community.
You log onto twitter and you see somali girls admiring the worst type of celebrities, talking about their sexual fantasies, and trashing on their men.

Music, movies, pop culture, 21st century feminism and post modernism being pushed in universities (especially social sciences) seems to be the culprit for most of this.

There's an agenda in trying to destroy the family unit by corrupting our youth and its working :farmajoyaab:
U ain't lying about women being extremely susceptible to being manipulated, take for example in the AA community, back in the civil rights movement AA were united and almost unbreakable, the government enticed AA women with welfare and the only way they could do that was if they kicked out the husband/father of her child out the house, and they even went a step further by encouraging them to put child support on the men for 18yrs, it might seem like it's the right thing to do to make the father of the child pay child support money to his baby mother but they made this rule in a sinister way where the father has to pay close to 40% of his income to the child and if he misses the payments the first thing they do is suspend the man's drivers license incapacitating him, then they basically lock him up and give him a record on his background which gives employers excuses not to hire him.

Other way they manipulated AA women into believing they're powerful is they prefer to give them positions of power over their AA men counterparts (judges, lawyers, supervisors ect), little do they know they're only being used as pawns to destroy their community.

Liberal policies were meant to discretely destroy the AA community and they now seem to be affecting our communities. They have well concealed
plans and mask it with a fake outer appearance of goodness that you can fall for if you don't deeply think about it.

Look at Obama, he was well liked but drone striked and killed more muslims than the last 3 presidents combined.

Welfare, planned parenthood, affirmative action, feminism, and sexual liberation were all pushed to the black communities from the 1960s onward by the democrats and they've regressed spiritually, mentally and economically ever since. The 1920s-50s blacks were doing a lot better in all areas especially as a family unit.

Malcolm X said, a republican stabs you in the front where you can see while a democrat stabs you in the back from where you least suspected.
The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political “football game” that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives.
You log onto twitter and you see somali girls admiring the worst type of celebrities, talking about their sexual fantasies, and trashing on their men.

Music, movies, pop culture, 21st century feminism and post modernism being pushed in universities (especially social sciences) seems to be the culprit for most of this.

There's an agenda in trying to destroy the family unit by corrupting our youth and its working :farmajoyaab:

Make no mistake these are your so called "educated Xaalimo's" that supposedly are so educated in such high numbers that they are unable to find Farax's they could marry because of this supposed imbalance.

Many naive males sympathise with them on this forum and ululate for them all over as though they are the embodiment of Virgin Mary in chastity, religiosity and piety, blaming the males for their spinsterhood

Very little do people know that the worst of women are these supposedly "educated" women that have come out of these indoctrination camps were they are taught all sorts of satanic poisons which many of them are so gullible to latch on to and unable to let go.

In my experience I have found them to be the dumbest in every conceivable metric you can use when comparing them to women who didn't go through these indoctrination camps or even women who bailed out of these camps very early in life.

Religiously they are worse on several magnitudes, in matters of intelligence they are lacking in every area, personality wise they are poorer.

When it comes to their own culture they are ultra deficient, when it comes to the grasp of their own mother tongue they are beyond atrocious.

These are the types of women that in the majority of cases don't even take care of their own bodies like the other women do, and let's not even talk about cooking, they live off take ways and restaurants.

It doesn't matter which metric you use to judge these women, they are inferior in every conceivable way. You will meet many men who see the indoctrination for what it is, but you seldom come across a female like this, it's a badge of honour for them.
Very little do people know that the worst of women are these supposedly "educated" women that have come out of these indoctrination campswere they are taught all sorts of satanic poisons which many of them are so gullible to latch on to and unable

Majoring or graduating with "liberal arts" degrees such Women studies, LGBT studies, sociology, psychology, etc will do that to you. Imagine being taught that women and LGBT community are victims while men are the enemies.


P.s Truthfully, I haven't met one xalimo that graduated in the STEM field
Majoring or graduating with "liberal arts" degrees such Women studies, LGBT studies, sociology, psychology, etc will do that to you. Imagine being taught that women and LGBT community are victims while men are the enemies.


P.s Truthfully, I haven't met one xalimo that graduated in the STEM field

Psychology leads to real work and isn't the same as women's studies.
Make no mistake these are your so called "educated Xaalimo's" that supposedly are so educated in such high numbers that they are unable to find Farax's they could marry because of this supposed imbalance.

Many naive males sympathise with them on this forum and ululate for them all over as though they are the embodiment of Virgin Mary in chastity, religiosity and piety, blaming the males for their spinsterhood

Very little do people know that the worst of women are these supposedly "educated" women that have come out of these indoctrination camps were they are taught all sorts of satanic poisons which many of them are so gullible to latch on to and unable to let go.

In my experience I have found them to be the dumbest in every conceivable metric you can use when comparing them to women who didn't go through these indoctrination camps or even women who bailed out of these camps very early in life.

Religiously they are worse on several magnitudes, in matters of intelligence they are lacking in every area, personality wise they are poorer.

When it comes to their own culture they are ultra deficient, when it comes to the grasp of their own mother tongue they are beyond atrocious.

These are the types of women that in the majority of cases don't even take care of their own bodies like the other women do, and let's not even talk about cooking, they live off take ways and restaurants.

It doesn't matter which metric you use to judge these women, they are inferior in every conceivable way. You will meet many men who see the indoctrination for what it is, but you seldom come across a female like this, it's a badge of honour for them.
The worst part is when you try to debate with them on their points of view, they are the most sheepish group I've ever come across.

They all regurgitate the same talking points and buzzwords they learnt from their sociology class and taught by profs, tumblr and social media blogs.

Lets be fair though, there are alot of wastemen from the males side. You only criticize the females as if the males are angels.

Drugs, murders, gang violence, zina and all types of fasaad are being committed by the males here. I'd say that the number of qashin males are equal if not more than the number of qashin females.

The lack of ambition or willingness to make something for themselves is very evident among some of the males, no women of any community would want a man like that.There are many guys I've come across that aren't long term thinkers and seem to be 5 years mentally behind the girls the same age, chasing after worldly desires and temporary highs. Although many are being enabled by their hooyos, the blame is on the guy. If our parents held us to the same standard as the girls, less guys would've fall victim to the street life.
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The worst part is when you try to debate with them on their points of view, they are the most sheepish group I've ever come across.

They all regurgitate the same talking points and buzzwords they learnt from their sociology class and taught by profs, tumblr and social media blogs.

Lets be fair though, there are alot of wastemen from the males side. You only criticize the females as if the males are angels.

Drugs, murders, gang violence, zina and all types of fasaad are being committed by the males here. I'd say that the number of qashin males are equal if not more than the number of qashin females.

The lack of ambition or willingness to make something for themselves is very evident among some of the males, no women of any community would want a man like that. Although many are being enabled by their hooyos, the blame is on him. If our parents held us to the same standard as the girls, less guys would've fall victim to the street life.

I lay the entire blame of what we see today on the back of the dayuus "fathers" who made these things possible, they lost control over their household, over their wife, son's and especially daughters.

The level of qashin is high on both ends, I would argue higher on the female side depending what metrics you use to calculate this, I simply view this from a religious perspective, there are far more religious young males then their are females who tend to become religious after they had a few kids.

The gangbanger or qashin you described has no problems cohabitating with multiple women that are fighting over him daily, these men go through more women then any so called 'educated' male would even dream about and I am talking about Xaalimo's here.

The gangbanger or the drug dealer that is not getting laid as often would have changed his profession a long time ago, many of these male's in the end reform themselves from that lifestyle and when you speak to them and ask them about the biggest challenges they encountered with regards to giving up this lifestyle, they would tell you "$$$" and the countless access to " hot women " on speed dial.

I knew many such women after being no longer required years later ended up marrying miskeen 'educated' farax engineer who is totally oblivious and inexperienced to even know what he just married.

Your spot on with the rest of your points, it's a malignant form of mental & spiritual disease, these diseases are worse for the human to overcome then petty stuff such as being a drug dealer or a gangbanger in comparison, because one has motives behind it while the other has no motives, and hence is far more deadly.


Great thread and posts :nvjpqts:

We've stated the problems but now what can we do as Muslim Somali Men for solutions going forward? Like @Rorschach already mentioned, we are indeed living in a Satanic era where attacks are coming from multiple fronts. The condemnation of irreligious acts such as zina, drugs, murder etc need to return and to the highest degree by everyone in our community. But I also believe hijrah back to our Muslim countries might need to be in order as I believe the situation might worsen living in the West. Just imagine trying to find a wife that hasn't already been indoctrinated by this society; or even worse trying to raise children here. My family has already come to the conclusion that it's time to leave as we've been preparing since the result of the last U.S election. It's only my two cents but I advise everyone to prepare their escape routes now and to invest back home before it's too late.
Great thread and posts :nvjpqts:

We've stated the problems but now what can we do as Muslim Somali Men for solutions going forward? Like @Rorschach already mentioned, we are indeed living in a Satanic era where attacks are coming from multiple fronts. The condemnation of irreligious acts such as zina, drugs, murder etc need to return and to the highest degree by everyone in our community. But I also believe hijrah back to our Muslim countries might need to be in order as I believe the situation might worsen living in the West. Just imagine trying to find a wife that hasn't already been indoctrinated by this society; or even worse trying to raise children here. My family has already come to the conclusion that it's time to leave as we've been preparing since the result of the last U.S election. It's only my two cents but I advise everyone to prepare their escape routes now and to invest back home before it's too late.
Which country do you plan on going to ? Somalia?
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