The wheel


why do u guys think that the only countries that had the wheel in Africa are the North and the horn

i think its most likely because of trade since the west,south and central didn't have much opportunities as the north and horn in trade


why do u guys think that the only countries that had the wheel in Africa are the North and the horn

i think its most likely because of trade since the west,south and central didn't have much opportunities as the north and horn in trade
The wheel was invented in the middle east. Those who had contacts with them acquired the wheel, those who were far from them never came up with idea. It's seems easy but it was a very groundbreaking invention. even great civilizations like the incas in south America never had it. Europeans would have never discovered it if it wasn't for Southern Europeans who too it from mesopotamia.
Obviously the horn and North Africa are closer to the middle east
For most of history the wheels primary use was transportation propelled by beasts of burden like donkeys, horses, cattle and what not.

If the environment a civilization inhabited was unconducive for these animals to survive due to diseases or extinction then they had less of a reason to build wheels. That's why in the some parts of Africa and the Americas they didn't use the wheel.


E pluribus unum
Because they were closer to Europe and Asia.

The wheel was invented originally in Mesopitamia, it spread to Europe and the rest of Asia and then to Africa.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Slight correction, the Sahel region also had the wheel.

Some parts of africa are inhospitable to animals that would push the wheel, namely due to the tsetset fly


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