The Western world has gone to shit: Real Westerners need their own country

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Is there a large island that can hold 500 million people for sale? This should be the new home for real Westerners.

Only secular Western people allowed.
Only gays will be recognized as refugees.
Deport traitors back to their Western country of origin.
Alt Left will be shot on sight
Boats carrying Syrians will be torpedoed

It will be a multiracial (not multicultural) society.

I might start this movement because the West is finished, even with Trump the saviour.

We are no match against self hating Jew George Soros and his many billions.

It's time to abandon this place for greener pastures. We need to start fresh.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
i'm sure there's a piece of land somewhere off the coast of Newfoundland you can build Xaywaanistan :camby:

Deport traitors back to their Western country of origin.
Alt Left will be shot on sight

i assume you will have a nice stance on guns :camby:


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Dont want to imagine the weird cadaan ppl shit that would take place there :damedamn:
I think the best route is buying some very large island off some broke corrupt country and have them no longer claim sovereignty over it.
I think the best route is buying some very large island off some broke corrupt country and have them no longer claim sovereignty over it.
so...colonization? isn't that what your beloved white race has been doing for centuries? might as well claim one of the many lands they did that to. like the one your living in
:mjlol: People would never believe this guy is Somali. He sounds a lot like Gert wilders from Netherland. Even Sean Hannity and Bill O'reily don't push their whites only propaganda this much.

waryaa wherever they go, we will go and continue to troll them.:mjpls:

This is the price they must pay for going and colonizing people in their own lands. You can't go half way across the world, colonize people for decades and then come back to your house and expect some of us not to follow you. FOH:camby:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
People that share your views have absolutely no interest in a multiracial society you clown kkkkkkk


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
How do multiracial societies come about if there wasn't multicultural society to begin with?:hmm:

He believes in this fairytale where because a minority adopts the culture of the majority, they'll be welcomed with open arms.

Somebody tell the English speaking Christian African Americans who've been here for 400 years.
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