BREAKING NEWS The Union of presidential Candidates rejected to meet with failmaajo

Failmaajo's fake 2 year extension pissed everyone off, I guess you can say it was his final and dumbest 4d chess move he could've pulled, growing IC pressure, combined with hawiye clan finalising their preparation to forcefully remove him.

Guudlaawe and qoorqoor silence and their flip-flop will not amount to anything, the hawiye clan elders, businessman, generals, civilians etc. are all in agreement.

Failmaajo's fake 2 year extension pissed everyone off, I guess you can say it was his final and dumbest 4d chess move he could've pulled, growing IC pressure, combined with hawiye clan finalising their preparation to forcefully remove him.

Guudlaawe and qoorqoor silence and their flip-flop will not amount to anything, the hawiye clan elders, businessman, generals, civilians etc. are all in agreement.

When Farmaajo leaves his Gareen’s should go with him.
When Farmaajo leaves his Gareen’s should go with him.
Guudlaawe getting slaved by the next HAG admin would be satisfying to watch - but considering that miskeen Waare got set up for the lack of development in HS by N/N, his return under new FGS administration would be a great asset to the region.

As for GM, im sure Hg will do whats best for them.
Guudlaawe getting slaved by the next HAG admin would be satisfying to watch - but considering that miskeen Waare got set up for the lack of development in HS by N/N, his return under new FGS administration would be a great asset to the region.

As for GM, im sure Hg will do whats best for them.
HG Will drop Qoorqoor very quick and Odowaa will replace him inshallah so he can develop and make sure Hobyo port come to life.

HS I would like Sanbalolshe to lead it inshallah because he is strong and has backbone and can tell the FGS to f*ck off. Farmaajo paralysed the state So it doesn’t have a source of income and stays reliant on Villa Somalia. Our source of income would have been the port in Cadale that Waare secured funding for to build a small port and the Dry port in Feerfeer that is currently being developed by the Governor of Hiiraan Ali Jeyte which we will then connect it to the road project that Ethiopia is planning to build by 2050. We would then have connected Cadale Port to DDS through Feerfeer and Addis Ababa. More revenue for both Xawaadle and Abgaal 😁


Ethiopia is planning to build a highway that leads to Feerfeer to Addis Ababa direct which makes it a great destination for a dry port.

Puntland has Bosaso and Garacad as source of income that’s why it can tell the FGS to f*ck off

Jubaland has Kismaayo it also had Beled Xaawo and Doolow customs but FGS took over. This shows you why JL is still standing because of Kismaayo port.

SL Has it the best because it has Berbera that is being developed by UAE and the most strategic location. This is why they can give the middle finger to farmaajo and colonize the rest of the people kkk

If HG secure Hobyo that will be GG and they will have a lifeline for their Economy that will enable them to have backbone and become

Hirshabelle will soon have Feerfeer dry port customs and Cadale port inshallah. We will sort our differences in this clan based society and build our state.