Boqor of Boqors. The man your wife fantasises of.
They are simply sexually frustrated and have failed in their quest to find a reputable Somali man. This could be because their personality is pathetic or she has a lack of personal hygiene etc; Lack of a father figure and stable income (Wants to live off a man) also play a huge part.
I really feel sorry for these Women. They have gone insane to the point of generalising an entire group of men who they did not even meet 0.0001% of.
Think about this guy’s; A Woman who can “get any man” Will not complain or be seen frustrated online. She could simply find one if she could.
I know real Somali queens in real life who would raise an eyebrow to these lost girls. I hope they find peace and stop embarrassing themselves online for all to see.
I really feel sorry for these Women. They have gone insane to the point of generalising an entire group of men who they did not even meet 0.0001% of.
Think about this guy’s; A Woman who can “get any man” Will not complain or be seen frustrated online. She could simply find one if she could.
I know real Somali queens in real life who would raise an eyebrow to these lost girls. I hope they find peace and stop embarrassing themselves online for all to see.