The truth about GAZA and HAMAS!


I put Books to the Test of Life

Regarding the Weakness of the Muslims & What Has Occured in Gaza

By Shaykh, the Scholar, Muhammad bin Umar Bazmool. 20/07/2014

(Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya)

1. The truth is clear and beneficial, and falsehood divides and is not beneficial. How can a shadow be straight if the twig is crooked! They experienced before when they provoked the Jews, how they attacked Gaza and killed the innocent. So why do they now provoke them again!??

2. When the Muslims cursed the deities of the Kuffar, the Kuffar cursed Allaah. So Allaah prohibited cursing the deities of the Kuffar.

وَلَا تَسُبُّوا الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ فَيَسُبُّوا اللَّهَ عَدْوًا بِغَيْرِ عِلْمٍ

<< And insult not those whom they (disbelievers) worship besides Allaah, lest they insult Allah wrongfully without knowledge.>> [An’aam: 108]

3. Also if you bomb them they kill lots of Muslims, along with that if they bomb you, you cannot stop or prevent them. Therefore, it is upon you to refrain from bombing them and provoking them so they do not kill innocent people.

4. Knowing that they will provoke you, and knowing that they will kill Muslims, knowing that you have no capability against them, therefore, it seems as if you are the ones who want the Muslims to be killed!!

5. Knowing that they returned the dead body of the child on Friday, and knowing that they know the state the Muslims are in today. Therefore, they are engineering a plan for something in which you have cooperated!

All Praise belongs to Allaah, may His peace and praise be upon our final Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and all those who follow his guidance.
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I put Books to the Test of Life
This was spoken and written in 2014, and this year saw the worst siege and annihilation of Muslims and Gazans, with 1.5 million refugees displaced and 6000 bombs launched on innocents in a week, equal to the number dropped on Iraq in a year. Israel was aware that the weak rebel group would assault and provoke, but the Yahud lowered their defences and enabled 800 people to perish to justify their bloodthirsty revenge. The Rafidhi fund and direct Hamas to provoke because the Shias want to extend their kufr throughout the Middle East, and killing Sunnis is halal for them because we are not on their kufr. Because their Aqedah is twisted up and they are in bed with Rafidha, who take advantage of the situation in Palestine, Hamas can never win.
Hamas will be finished. Gaza will be annexed and the Arab world will not do a single thing about it.

Israel never saw Hamas as a threat and actually feared Hezbollah in Lebanon. They are probably the only threat to Israel other than Iran.

Hamas is responsible for every civilian death in Gaza.

Have you asked yourself why doesn’t Israel raid Lebanon and get rid of Hezbollah but it invaded Gaza and getting rid of Hamas?

Hezbollah never target civilians they keep their targets to Israeli military bases only. Israel does the same thing in Lebanon and strike Hezbollah targets and avoids civilian areas.


"I don’t live in darkness, darkness lives in me."

Have you asked yourself why doesn’t Israel raid Lebanon and get rid of Hezbollah but it invaded Gaza and getting rid of Hamas?

Hezbollah never target civilians they keep their targets to Israeli military bases only. Israel does the same thing in Lebanon and strike Hezbollah targets and avoids civilian areas.
Neither Hezbollah, Iran or the neighboring Arab Muslim countries wants no part in this war. They see the destruction and devastation happening right now in northern Gaza. I suspect that some of the Arab countries will actually be happy when the Hamas government and organization collapses. Hamas’s biggest mistake will be that attack they committed on Oct 7. They’ll cease to exist. They messed up this time and there is no going back.
Hamas didn’t know about the festival, they through they were attacking an army post, anyways majority of the casualties where from Israeli Hannibal policy which is kill their civilians alongside Hamas so they don’t take hostages. I swear all you guys do is spread falsehood, you will answer on the day of judgement those who ask for Palestinians to not resist and just lay down and die, I will beat witness to your words. Those Arab countries are run by despotic leaders. Our ummah is weak cause of Zionist dog like you
Funny poem made by Syrian activists in Idlib. They make fun of Hezbollah and their weakness for only targeting Towers. Hezbollah is so powerful that they only attack Israeli towers and not tanks/soldiers. They only know how to kill Syrian Muslims but not IDF soldiers



Hamas is responsible for every civilian death in Gaza.
Israel only invaded Gaza for its 1.4 trillion cubic meters of gas, they will pay dearly in the next year of fighting, they haven't fought urban warfare to this extent before.

They don't have enough international goodwill to survive this.


Amaan Duule

Have you asked yourself why doesn’t Israel raid Lebanon and get rid of Hezbollah but it invaded Gaza and getting rid of Hamas?

Hezbollah never target civilians they keep their targets to Israeli military bases only. Israel does the same thing in Lebanon and strike Hezbollah targets and avoids civilian areas.
Israel already tried invading Lebanon in 2006. During this month long attack, they killed 1000 civilians even though Hezbollah put their bases in the countryside, away from civilian areas. Israel purposely razed a Shi'a neighborhood in Beirut (Dahieh) to punish its people for their support for Hezbollah.

The real reason Israel didn't invade Lebanon again is because Hezbollah handed their asses to them properly in 2006. Israel doesn't want to be embarrassed again like that.
Israel already tried invading Lebanon in 2006. During this month long attack, they killed 1000 civilians even though Hezbollah put their bases in the countryside, away from civilian areas. Israel purposely razed a Shi'a neighborhood in Beirut (Dahieh) to punish its people for their support for Hezbollah.

The real reason Israel didn't invade Lebanon again is because Hezbollah handed their asses to them properly in 2006. Israel doesn't want to be embarrassed again like that.
Hezbollah isn’t the same Hezbollah from 2006 they have 200k rockets/missiles and combat experience from Syrian civil war all they need is a navy and Air Force. Hezbollah is called a state within a state for a reason.
Funny poem made by Syrian activists in Idlib. They make fun of Hezbollah and their weakness for only targeting Towers. Hezbollah is so powerful that they only attack Israeli towers and not tanks/soldiers. They only know how to kill Syrian Muslims but not IDF soldiers

They have done more than these Sunni Arab states!


I put Books to the Test of Life
Certain Muslims hate Shia more than they hate kuffar Zionist.
The shias are followers of Abdallah ibn Saba, a yemeni Jew who attempted to divide Islam in the same way that Paul the false apostle did to the teachings of Jesus.

If you are a true student of knowledge and seeker of truth, you would know that the Shias and their regimes have always warred with the Muslims and sided with the Kufar, they aided the Tartars in invading Muslim lands, they allied with Christian empires against Muslims, and I could go on and on.
The shias are followers of Abdallah ibn Saba, a yemeni Jew who attempted to divide Islam in the same way that Paul the false apostle did to the teachings of Jesus.

If you are a true student of knowledge and seeker of truth, you would know that the Shias and their regimes have always warred with the Muslims and sided with the Kufar, they aided the Tartars in invading Muslim lands, they allied with Christian empires against Muslims, and I could go on and on.
There are no different ideologies between Shia and Sunni they don’t follow prophet Muhammad pbuh like a deities they just revere ahlu bayt more, the only difference is they hate some of the sahabas. I think Shia is just compensating because if it wasn’t for the people of Karbala betraying Hussein there wouldn’t be shias.

