The Somali Scholar Jamal al din zayla'i

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Jamal al-Din Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Yousef bin Mohammed Hanafi Zayla'i Masri. the imam from the town of Zelia on the coast of Somalia. Later he moved to Egypt and passed away in Egypt.

His work:
  • اختصر تفسير الكشاف للزمخشري ولخص فيه كتاب الحافظ العالم الشهير بابن عبد الكريم ثم بعد ذلك انتخب أحاديثه وأفردها بالتأليف وأضاف إليها جل تأليف شهاب الدين الحافظ أحمد بن عبد الكريم وسمى هذا المؤلف الكاف الشاف بتحرير أحاديث الكشاف قال الحافظ ابن حجر: استوعب في هذا المؤلف جل الأحاديث المرفوعة وبين طرقها وأوضح عن أسماء مخرجيها ولكنه أطنب في نقل الأحاديث المرفوعة.
  • خرج أحاديث كتاب الهداية للمرغيناني ، وسماه نصب الراية لأحاديث الهداية ،ومن كتاب الزيلعيفي تخريج الهداية استمد الزركشي في كثير مما كتبه من تخريج الرافعي.
  • وذكر الجركسي أن للزيلعي اختصاراً لشرح معاني الآثار لأبي جعفر الطحاوي، وذكر أن منه نسخة بمكتبة رواق الأتراك بالأزهر، وأخرى بمكتبة الكوبرلي بتُركيا.
"He is the Imam, the Hafidh, the Hadith expert, the Faqih, the Usuli, Jamalu Din Abi Muhammad 'Abdullah Ibn Yusuf Al-Zayla'i Al-Hanafi. He authored numerous works among them is the takhrijul Ahadith of Imam Al-Zamaghshari's Al-Kashaf and various other works. He is from Zayla' which is located on the north of Somalia. He narrated hadiths from allot of Shuyukh which he travelled for extensively. Ibn Hajar said in his Al-Durar Al-Kamina Fii A'yaani Al-Miati Al-Thaaminathat his Shaykh, Imam Al-'Iraqi said about Imam Al-Zayla'i: He focussed in the science of hadith and was an expert where he wrote the Takhrij Al-Hadith of Al-Hidayah and I wrote the takhrij of Ihya 'Ulumul din and we helped one and another in our respective works. Imam Suyuti said of him; He was the Hafidh of his time and he wrote the takhrij of hidaya and Kashaf which has no equal while Shaykh Muhammad Anur Al-Kahsmiri said; Jamalu Din Al-Zayla'i was the Shaykhs of the Sufi's in his time well as he was the Shaykh of Hadith scholars. He passed away in Muharram 762 Hijri and was buried in Cairo."

"About the Book:
The Hidayah is a commentary of Bidayat al-Mubtadi written by the author himself.
The Hidayah represents the refined, distilled and authentic version of a legal tradition developed over many centuries. It presents the corpus of Hanafi law in its approved and preferred form and forges an organic link with the other schools of law. There is no book that can match the power of al-Hidayah as a teaching manual. Education in Islamic law is not complete without this book.

Therefore this very book is more authorative in the school of Hanafi law due to the fact that it mentions the Ahadiths cited by the author of Al-Hidayah and their authenticity. Also the author mentions what ever hadith might have been transmitted in regards to the Mas'ala while authenticating it."

- 5 volumes
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@government @Xasan this is Shiekh Uthman's student, may god bless both men learned scholars jannah.

Look at this, there was also a special section reserved for Somali students from Saylac in Damascus, Mosque of the Umayyad. :banderas:'Riwaq al Zayla'iyyin' :salute:



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Mashallah may Allah bring us to our old might

Ameen brother, may Allah S.W.T shower us with the glory and respect that we once had during our glory days. We shall stay patient until then ameen.

As Muslims, we should never forget the mercy of the almighty. We are being tested at the moment and may we succeed ameen.

Thank you so much for brilliant and uplifting posts as always. Aad iyo aad baad u mahadsantahay.

It is a pleasure my brother.
@government @Xasan this is Shiekh Uthman's student, may god bless both men learned scholars jannah.

Look at this, there was also a special section reserved for Somali students from Saylac in Damascus, Mosque of the Umayyad. :banderas:'Riwaq al Zayla'iyyin' :salute:




Islam first came to the Somali coast peacefully via Arab trade but the Islamic mission was continued and expanded upon so well by local Somalis that we produced a number of respected scholars who were recognised both domestically and internationally right up to the 20th century.

How ironic that Islam came to Somalia (possibly) via Yemen but by the 14th century, our scholars were some of the most celebrated and respected in Yemen.
Islam first came to the Somali coast peacefully via Arab trade but the Islamic mission was continued and expanded upon so well by local Somalis that we produced a number of respected scholars who were recognised both domestically and internationally right up to the 20th century.

How ironic that Islam came to Somalia (possibly) via Yemen but by the 14th century, our scholars were some of the most celebrated and respected in Yemen.

And we further propagated this faith across eastern africa (Shiekh Barawe aun message also peacefully spread to Congo) and across the Indian ocean.

How astonishing our forefathers were, we are truly are nothing compared to our noble forefather, defender of Islam during the medieval world.
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