The situation in Ethiopia is changing, getting heated...

Genuinely hoping for peace, not only that but im inshaAllah this colonial state of ethiopia can be dividied peacefully among the ethnic groups. Im really hoping for peace and prosperity over here, ethiopia Is the only country that is still colonizing
What does "divide peacefully" even mean in this case. Tons of ethnicities in Ethiopia have border problems with everybody else in the country. Oromos' have border disputes with every other ethnicity that borders Oromo. "Peaceful divide" Will never happen.
Burn It To The Ground GIF by Parker McCollum


Forza Somalia!
You have former allies, the Amhara militias and the govt of PM Abiy, now fighting each other. Once the war is out of the Amhara region, it has the potential to turn into Oromo vs Amhara's on a massive scale**...
The desperate Tigrayans, out for revenge, who see that some Amhara politicians seek to weaken and isolate tigray, are allegedly fighting in disputed lands to the south of them (raya-alamata).
*Rumors of an senior OLF official saying that Abiy asked them to help them fight the Amhara's (and maybe eritrea later on). *
*Somalis and Afars having an intense war in the east**
*Eritrean forces of course, watching carefully, because it is in their security interests to ensure that the tplf led tigrayan state never gets humera-welkait back, which is now under Amhara rule, because then they'd gain access to the outside world through Sudan, from which weapons can be imported to them, to wreak havoc in the Horn with.*
I hope Tigray tplf don't have that access to Sudan, otherwise it would mean RSF supplying them with weapons and letting abiye Ahmed relaxed in his dealing with the FANO.


모Resident Netrunner모
Ethiopia: *oromo and xabashi are fighting to death

Oromo : “please Somali we’re Cushitic help us against these dirty half breed semetic babies”

Xabashi :” no Somali help us fight against btec Somalis with no culture and history “

My honest information to this : I’m gonna kill both ethic group
View attachment 325227

Here is the original.


모Resident Netrunner모
I mean we do have a historical claim thanks to awoowe guray aun :lawd:
We went deep into the Ethiopian hinterland, and the Gurgura trade routes went almost as far as Addis, after the fall the majority of the populations that lived outside either got killed or absorbed, dark times, the trade in the region died, and a lot of settlement vanished overnight, globalisation has its risks, we had our own bronze age collapse event.

Worse outcome for both us and the Ethiopians, if there was a winner the region would have been able to withstand colonial powers.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Mate this Ethiopia is not the same one from 1998-2000 war. This one have so much power and weapons. I really don’t see Eritrea winning a direct war with Ethiopia.
You’re right. This Ethiopia is actually much worse than it was in 1998. Decades of military mismanagement under TPLF and now PP. We saw the results in Tigray. Most of the major cities were captured by Eritrea.

Ethiopia is a paper tiger
It seems Amhara want to snatch Addis Abeba from oromos, soon Oromo and Amhara are going to have a bloody war Im sure Oromo will karbaash amhara I’ll enjoy watching it.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
What does "divide peacefully" even mean in this case. Tons of ethnicities in Ethiopia have border problems with everybody else in the country. Oromos' have border disputes with every other ethnicity that borders Oromo. "Peaceful divide" Will never happen.
By peacefully, I mean that somalis will get their land without any conflict. The best solution isnt it.


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