The situation in Ethiopia is changing, getting heated...

Ethiopia: *oromo and xabashi are fighting to death

Oromo : “please Somali we’re Cushitic help us against these dirty half breed semetic babies”

Xabashi :” no Somali help us fight against btec Somalis with no culture and history “

My honest information to this : I’m gonna kill both ethic group


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Genuinely hoping for peace, not only that but im inshaAllah this colonial state of ethiopia can be dividied peacefully among the ethnic groups. Im really hoping for peace and prosperity over here, ethiopia Is the only country that is still colonizing
Bro expected pity and support from ssp💀

Not at all. you guys have clan wars with each other, how could i expect u like your neighbors? not to mention the majority of u live thousands of miles away, and therefore, are keyboard warriors; none of you are gonna go fight on the ground there, let's be real!
By crisis I meant full state collapse. This kind of thing is unsustainable. Eventually one of these bigger tribal groups will attempt to overtake the capital or there will be a coup in Addis.
I'm sure that's already happened before so my best bet would be that it's already sorted out so a collapse doesn't occur which makes sense as to why it's still ongoing. Your point still stands though, a collapse is likely inevitable.
You have former allies, the Amhara militias and the govt of PM Abiy, now fighting each other. Once the war is out of the Amhara region, it has the potential to turn into Oromo vs Amhara's on a massive scale**...
The desperate Tigrayans, out for revenge, who see that some Amhara politicians seek to weaken and isolate tigray, are allegedly fighting in disputed lands to the south of them (raya-alamata).
*Rumors of an senior OLF official saying that Abiy asked them to help them fight the Amhara's (and maybe eritrea later on). *
*Somalis and Afars having an intense war in the east**
*Eritrean forces of course, watching carefully, because it is in their security interests to ensure that the tplf led tigrayan state never gets humera-welkait back, which is now under Amhara rule, because then they'd gain access to the outside world through Sudan, from which weapons can be imported to them, to wreak havoc in the Horn with.*