The rise of the devil's horn


The fall of the ummah and the beginning of great tribulation and fitnah. The free masons need soloman's temple, and they even admit this in their own books. For the second coming of their messiah they needed the temple mount and now they finally have it. Middle eastern affairs do not affect us directly, but they affect global affairs and that can impact us and the ummah as a whole. If you know about the balfour declaration, the history of the knights templars and how long these ppl have been planning for their satanic future, then you will understand the significance of this battle and what a huge L it was to humanity as a whole.

This loss was the beginning of the end for mankind. Not just muslims but mankind as whole. Look at the leaders of most globalist nations and you will see they are linekd to satanism in some way and wish to depopulate mankind. Look at european birth rates if you don't believe me.

May Allah destroy the saudis and keep mecca and medinah safe.



رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
The fall of the ummah and the beginning of great tribulation and fitnah. The free masons need soloman's temple, and they even admit this in their own books. For the second coming of their messiah they needed the temple mount and now they finally have it. Middle eastern affairs do not affect us directly, but they affect global affairs and that can impact us and the ummah as a whole. If you know about the balfour declaration, the history of the knights templars and how long these ppl have been planning for their satanic future, then you will understand the significance of this battle and what a huge L it was to humanity as a whole.

This loss was the beginning of the end for mankind. Not just muslims but mankind as whole. Look at the leaders of most globalist nations and you will see they are linekd to satanism in some way and wish to depopulate mankind. Look at european birth rates if you don't believe me.

May Allah destroy the saudis and keep mecca and medinah safe.

May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) protect Saudi Arabia and guide us all. Ameen


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May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) protect Saudi Arabia and guide us all. Ameen
Wake up


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