The problem with Somalia

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Our political leaders do not have any plans or visions or basic competence look at that clown who claims to be president of the entire republic, the guy is not even able to secure Mogadishu. He had 4 years and billions of Aid dollars. How hard is to create a small militia of 5000 men to take control of the capital ? pay them 100 dollars per askari.

I do not expect anything from the baboons who control the different tribal bantustans after all they are only living as a product of the central governments refusal to take any responsibility. I lost all hope in the man the day he declared that the Ethiopian government was going to build our national army what a joke. Xassan is always smiling as if the country has reached the stars. Our government has no shame they want to rule us and have our confidence yet are not able to face us without being surrounded by Bantu troops. And the circus will continue until we get real men once again to live in Villa Somalia. Like the lions of yesterday we and the enemies used to fear !
We all know this..

But what do you expect us as some disunited people to do about this? are we going to protest on social media or are we going to wait for some mesiah to come save the day?... Thats really pathetic its says we have zero power and ignorant of what needs to be done.

There are two key problems we need to focus on instead of tossing around constant rhetoric.

  • People disidentifying with their Somali Identity
Lack of identity means an innability to identify and defend Somali interests. At this point to many the Somali name is just an inexclusive blanket slate label with no meaning or refrence attached to it. Unless we strengthen this identity and breath life to it, we will have no defense at all nor would we know where we stand.
  • No genuine reconciliation between Ethnic Somali clans
How can we move forward, when we ourselves view eachother as enemies and not allies, constantly at eachothers throat? Unity at his point is political necessity. Somali unity is not a given, it is something we have to work towards with complete understanding and love of self. For that reason reconciliation needs be a huge focul point in this topic.

That is why i think people if they really have an authentic care for Somalia and Somali people as a whole, they should focus on promoting Somali identity and getting together communities so they can reconcile their issues. It beats yapping around, complaining all day and discussing something thats been disucussed ten times over by professionals.
We all know this..

But what do you expect us as some disunited people to do about this? are we going to protest on social media or are we going to wait for some mesiah to come save the day?... Thats really pathetic its says we have zero power and ignorant of what needs to be done.

There are two key problems we need to focus on instead of tossing around constant rhetoric.

  • People disidentifying with their Somali Identity
Lack of identity means an innability to identify and defend Somali interests. At this point to many the Somali name is just an inexclusive blanket slate label with no meaning or refrence attached to it. Unless we strengthen this identity and breath life to it, we will have no defense at all nor would we know where we stand.
  • No genuine reconciliation between Ethnic Somali clans
How can we move forward, when we ourselves view eachother as enemies and not allies, constantly at eachothers throat? Unity at his point is political necessity. Somali unity is not a given, it is something we have to work towards with complete understanding and love of self. For that reason reconciliation needs be a huge focul point in this topic.

That is why i think people if they really have an authentic care for Somalia and Somali people as a whole, they should focus on promoting Somali identity and getting together communities so they can reconcile their issues. It beats yapping around, complaining all day and discussing something thats been disucussed ten times over by professionals.

You are asking good questions which are the next step from an idea to how we can save Somalia in praksis. But you need to stop minimizing the role of rhetoric, the father of modern China tells us that the speech to waken the people up needs to happen before the armed uprising itself. And it can not be repeated enough. I agree we need to return the political consciousness of the Somali people. What Somalia needs is a group of enlightened nationalists with the right age, the right funds, the right organization and multi-clan bagground to create a political party which needs a military front to take control of the country and in the process as it liberates the lands, makes sure to unite and focus the negative energy towards foreign enemies. It will be hard, a lot of life will be lost in the proces we have to prepare our self to lose entire cities in mass bombardements from Amisom/Ethiopia/Kenya and the elimination of traitors. I will not be able to do this in the coming years but at some time yes..... and I will need all the help I can get.....

You are asking good questions which are the next step from an idea to how we can save Somalia in praksis. But you need to stop minimizing the role of rhetoric, the father of modern China tells us that the speech to waken the people up needs to happen before the armed uprising itself. And it can not be repeated enough. I agree we need to return the political consciousness of the Somali people. What Somalia needs is a group of enlightened nationalists with the right age, the right funds, the right organization and multi-clan bagground to create a political party which needs a military front to take control of the country and in the process as it liberates the lands, makes sure to unite and focus the negative energy towards foreign enemies. It will be hard, a lot of life will be lost in the proces we have to prepare our self to lose entire cities in mass bombardements from Amisom/Ethiopia/Kenya and the elimination of traitors. I will not be able to do this in the coming years but at some time yes..... and I will need all the help I can get.....

I am not minimizing the role of rhetoric, I am for using it only if it's clever rhetoric, meaning rhetoric with purpose and one that serves our agenda. A rethoric backed with a nuanced complex understanding of what needs to be done and what needs to be valued.Rhetoric is not an action , it's only the motivation to entice action.

A fiery piece of rhetoric posted on Facebook or Twitter filled with bunch of whinning and complaining won't do us any good. We can say what we want on our corners, on forums, or anywhere else, but nothing said matters if we have no power to make these things real.

The challenges are crystal clear. We need to put change agents in place to affect change

I liked what you said about us "regaining our political consciousness and a multi-clan bagground", but that starts with people identifying with their Soomaali identity. If one person is aware that she/he is Somali and the responsibilities that come with it, he/she will be able to identify and seek to defend/promote the interest of the Somali people, she/he would automatically know what is on the agenda table before a single person uttered a word to him/her. Right now there is just too much mistrust between us and unless folks reconcile the issues between clans back home and us the diaspora assume a role of becoming a positive bridge & shield our homeland from foreign interference and influence which is bent held on keeping us disunited & destabilized , we will be stuck on stand still and end up obsolete.

Let's be clear 90% of the war will be over the Somali mind and shifting our conciousness.

We may need to build a Somalicentric think-tank for this.
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Prince of East Africa
You want to know what's the problem with your country? You don't have principles and are trigger happy ,add that with Shabab and 22,000 Amisom troops and tribal hatred between Italian Somalia clans.You got a recipe for the longest war in human history.This war will end when the sun rises from the west.


Prince of East Africa
I am not minimizing the role of rhetoric, I am for using it only if it's clever rhetoric, meaning rhetoric with purpose and one that serves our agenda. A rethoric backed with a nuanced complex understanding of what needs to be done and what needs to be valued.Rhetoric is not an action , it's only the motivation to entice action.

A fiery piece of rhetoric posted on Facebook or Twitter filled with bunch of whinning and complaining won't do us any good. We can say what we want on our corners, on forums, or anywhere else, but nothing said matters if we have no power to make these things real.

The challenges are crystal clear. We need to put change agents in place to affect change

I liked what you said about us "regaining our political consciousness and a multi-clan bagground", but that starts with people identifying with their Soomaali identity. If one person is aware that she/he is Somali and the responsibilities that come with it, he/she will be able to identify and seek to defend/promote the interest of the Somali people, she/he would automatically know what is on the agenda table before a single person uttered a word to him/her. Right now there is just too much mistrust between us and unless folks reconcile the issues between clans back home and us the diaspora assume a role of becoming a positive bridge & shield our homeland from foreign interference and influence which is bent held on keeping us disunited & destabilized , we will be stuck on stand still and end up obsolete.

Let's be clear 90% of the war will be over the Somali mind and shifting our conciousness.

We may need to build a Somalicentric think-tank for this.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Ya Geeljire, let me teach you the way of propaganda and ideological zealotry.

It is my speciality.



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Sure! What do you have in mind

A few tips:

1) Spin, spin, spin e.g.MSB killed a bunch of sheikhs, something most people disagree with and consider unislamic, spin and say in Islam to rebell against the leader is kufr. Not necessarily moral, but in theory sound.

2) Scapegoat- Here's where the Bantus are convenient. Most people are retarded yet have an innate sense of superiority. People never want to take responsibility for their own faults, so don't let them. Blame all your ills on some already disenfranchised detested group and the mob is yours.

3) External enemies, real or imagined. Develop an us or them mindset through constant rhetoric of doom and gloom/ existential threat from a neighboring country. This leads conveniently to step 4.

4) War. People are always distracted by war. The paranoia from step 3 lends itself well to inciting some small conflict that keeps the mob off your back. Dissenters are now traitors at the mercy of the plebs. This is a last resort and should only be used sparingly.

5) programming- has to start as soon as a child can talk. By the time they're of fighting age, they will be staunch ideologues willing to turn in their own parents for treason, willing soldiers for the cause, and most importantly, bulwarks against counterrevolutions. This is where MSB went wrong, he wasn't as serious about ideology as your Mao's and Stalin's. You've also got to have decent living standards for the programming to have any effect beyond adolescence.

If history has proven anything, its that people simply aren't capable of thinking for themselves. They need a gentle but firm hand to guide them through life.

Be that hand

A few tips:

1) Spin, spin, spin e.g.MSB killed a bunch of sheikhs, something most people disagree with and consider unislamic, spin and say in Islam to rebell against the leader is kufr. Not necessarily moral, but in theory sound.

2) Scapegoat- Here's where the Bantus are convenient. Most people are retarded yet have an innate sense of superiority. People never want to take responsibility for their own faults, so don't let them. Blame all your ills on some already disenfranchised detested group and the mob is yours.

3) External enemies, real or imagined. Develop an us or them mindset through constant rhetoric of doom and gloom/ existential threat from a neighboring country. This leads conveniently to step 4.

4) War. People are always distracted by war. The paranoia from step 3 lends itself well to inciting some small conflict that keeps the mob off your back. Dissenters are now traitors at the mercy of the plebs. This is a last resort and should only be used sparingly.

5) programming- has to start as soon as a child can talk. By the time they're of fighting age, they will be staunch ideologues willing to turn in their own parents for treason, willing soldiers for the cause, and most importantly, bulwarks against counterrevolutions. This is where MSB went wrong, he wasn't as serious about ideology as your Mao's and Stalin's. You've also got to have decent living standards for the programming to have any effect beyond adolescence.

If history has proven anything, its that people simply aren't capable of thinking for themselves. They need a gentle but firm hand to guide them through life.

Be that hand

I agree what happend with Ubaxaa kacaankii ? those children who was raised by the siyad barre government failed to fight street battles with Aiideeds drugged child troops


I agree what happend with Ubaxaa kacaankii ? those children who was raised by the siyad barre government failed to fight street battles with Aiideeds drugged child troops


Sometimes... We have to blame the free masons for this..
and climate change.
Our political leaders do not have any plans or visions or basic competence look at that clown who claims to be president of the entire republic, the guy is not even able to secure Mogadishu. He had 4 years and billions of Aid dollars. How hard is to create a small militia of 5000 men to take control of the capital ? pay them 100 dollars per askari.

I do not expect anything from the baboons who control the different tribal bantustans after all they are only living as a product of the central governments refusal to take any responsibility. I lost all hope in the man the day he declared that the Ethiopian government was going to build our national army what a joke. Xassan is always smiling as if the country has reached the stars. Our government has no shame they want to rule us and have our confidence yet are not able to face us without being surrounded by Bantu troops. And the circus will continue until we get real men once again to live in Villa Somalia. Like the lions of yesterday we and the enemies used to fear !

Culusoow, alway smiling it so unseemly and disingenuous. if i was the president of somalia, i would have a grave expression not chuckling like a kid in a candy store but i would be crying behind closed door.
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