The Privacyless, Freedomless Smart City of 2030 the Elite Are Engineering

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Some people wanted to talk technology with me. Have they seen this?

And this documentary here- have they seen this?

I'm not talking here about my connections- but I have connections and I know about some stuff about where technology is heading. But nevermind that- everything I will be posting here insha'Allah is public information and you can access it yourself.

I will be posting some books in the book thread on the topic insha'Allah and when I've done so I'll edit in the link at the bottom here insha'Allah so if someone is reading this a year from they'll be able to see the books insha'Allah

Anyways- if you want to understand what is going on around you, check out those videos. The books are good too insha'Allah but the videos you can watch for free.

“CHAPPiE” and the New Transhumanist Religion

A lot of this tech worship stuff has a sort of "religious" agenda (the article explains- and I know from personal knowledge there is a connection between the tech world and transhumanism- no intention of saying more on that, though).

I can offer you an experiment insha'Allah- see for yourself.

Walk around and criticize technology when you talk to people. I don't mean stand on a sidewalk holding a sign and using a loudspeaker- I mean just slip some remarks into casual conversations which question technology and are critical about it- watch how people react.

You won't necessarily get "that's an interesting perspective, go on, I'd like to know more" or even a casual disagreement... you will often get responses which boil down to you


There is a "religious" aspect to it. The people who are really, really into technology worship believe that technology will make us "as gods" and replace religion or God or something bizarre like that..... if you go into the tech world and you deal with the really-into-tech people... you'll see there is that subtext

anyways, I've already posted a decent amount of material so I figure I might as well post the books here that I recommend the topic.... I was going to do two but I think I'll actually throw in the blue one.....



and this is where the tech cult will have a field day:



it won't matter that the people responding have no idea what is actually in the book and have never read it

and they're not interested in the truth or anything like that- they just want to shut my side of the discussion down- they don't care about the truth....

of course I don't agree with what the author did but if you read the book, theres a lot of interesting stuff in there and I think he said a lot of true stuff, both about technology and leftism.... you can skip this book and all the books and just watch the documentaries but I recommend you utilize everything I'm posting here for the RESEARCHERS (emphasis on researchers because this is for researchers, not debaters.... the people who show up and debate are going to be people who have never seen the videos, have never read any of the books and who are simply not serious researchers)

this is a really good article on the Kaczynski book


if you read that, I think you'll be interested in reading it.... and here is a pdf

"Ted Kaczynski is a smart but insane man, Ted should have never mailed any bombs to anyone, it is important to keep an open mind and to separate the ideas from the man when reading. Industrial Society and Its Future is something I recommend to everyone, just read it and see how eerily it applies to today, it illuminates some serious issues that we face in modern society, and how it is up to us to figure out how reclaim our autonomy in an age where it is difficult to do so. When he talks about revolution there are parts I disagree with but there is nothing to objectionable in it." (pdf review from the site)

alternate pdf with different formatting:

pretty much everything the material in this thread is discussing- the points stand even without Kacyzynski, though.... and Ellul was a pacifist so there's nothing inherently violent in critiquing technology


THIS one I am particularly excited about


this was a REALLY GOOD (maybe great) book and is my favorite of the three

I seriously recommend this one, this is one is my favorite

it actually discusses how technology is altering people's personalities and altering people on a psychological level


I loved that book- all three of its ratings on Amazon are five stars- it's really good stuff, extremely interesting and actually helped form how I see technology

I was gonna do two but then I decided I wanted to throw in the blue book because I love that one

but I want to throw in this one also


he actually explains more about technology in this book.... he goes very deep in how he analyses it

this is a great book and actually I think my favorite on the list, even better than the blue book imo

great stuff- you can get the pdf if you look for it, I think.... I found it for a friend (I'd already given away my paperback copy to another friend) but I'm deliberately not posting the pdf because I want you to go out and get the paper copy- it's fascinating stuff and even if you don't believe in his line of thought, it's a perspective that you rarely see represented... very powerful stuff

anyways, I'm pretty confident that no posts below attacking will actually be from anyone who actually has read these four books....

actually the people attacking me- I'm confident that they'll have not read a single one of the four books and probably never even heard of any of them.... so I don't care what they think and I'm saying now that I have zero intention of responding because I don't care what they have to say- they should do their homework first and then try to talk.... but if anyone who is not aggressively trying to attack me has any questions, please ask.... there's a lot of material in this post but I hope this can serve as a resource for someone

I'm trying to think if there's anything I haven't covered......

I want to post this
this is kind of a neat little documentary... this is where they interview Ellul and so you can see the man himself.... I have I think like four or five of his books.... very interesting guy (totally wrong on Islam, though- but at least he was a Christian- and a theologian at that- rather than a godless atheist)

anyways, Ellul wrote about anarchism, theology, sociology, etc. but he is best remembered for The Technological Society and just to give you an idea of how influential he is- both the blue book and the Kacyznski book are both influenced based on him and they basically try to take his work and further develop it.... a review of the blue one call the blue book's author "the new Ellul".... so Ellul is very iconic.... there is another book and I think I'm being too long but I am for real about trying to give CONTENT and not just post garbage- the fifth book that I think is relevant and interesting is Against Civilization by Zerzan.... I think that one was interesting too.... although I'm not "against civilization" or even necessarily against techology.... I'm just opposed to uncritical worship of technology... Zerzan was also influenced by Ellul, just showing how influential Ellul was
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