The potential contribution Somali diaspora have for Somalia and Somalis back home


Forza Somalia!
Diaspora groups like Armenian and Jews helping their homeland countries. It is estimated " that the aggregate annual family incomes of 1 million Armenians who live in California may be 15 times higher than the entire GDP of the Armenian economy. In the years since independence, fourteen large Diaspora organizations have mobilized about US$900 million in assistance to Armenia. A considerable part of this funding was of non-Armenian origin (Manasaryan 2004). "
These contributions aimed to fund more than 130 infrastructure projects. Some Armenian diaspora funded an organization called Hometown associations, " present a case study of three large Armenian Diaspora initiatives to support business development in Armenia, launched on the principles of social entrepreneurship. "
The majority of HomeTown Associations are small with predominantly working-class membership, limiting their activities to fundraising for ongoing programs or special needs, such as a natural disaster, health and education.
There are other project that are meant to support business development in Armenia, launched on the principles of social entrepreneurship.

I think diaspora Somalis can take the Armenian diaspora as an example and start forming transparent NGOs that are supported by diaspora Somalis. Somalis in NA are estimated to be around 500 000, in Europe they are around 200 000, in Australia, NZ and Asia 10 000. Basically they are more than 710 000 Somalis in the first world countries. Which means that, if 250 000 Somalis from 710 000 Somali in the west, monthly contributed with 10 dollars, to a NGO, they can rise around 2,5 million each month. 2m and 500k dollars each month only from a quarter of the Somalis that live in the 1st world countries.

So can for example establish as I said transparent NGO or something similar to that, with a platform that shows where each dollars was spent, like share its budget ledger on the internet, to build a trust between the NGO and its contributors. Inform them about the NGO's future plans, and so on. Hire or get help from Somali that are expert in water and energy infrastructures, business, agriculture and nutritionist etc. On top of that the NGO can show where the most contributors live, that may encourage other diasporas to support.

It doesn't need to be one NGO, but many that are meant to do different things, but one is better so it that would not confuse the diaspora community and distract them.


In 10-15 years, the contribution of the Somali Diaspora back home will be a fraction of what it is today.

Our Parents gen who send hundreds of dollars back home every month are nearing retirement, and when they do their kids who barely speak Somali ain't sending $500 a month back home to relatives they hardly know or raising money to develop their hometowns.

Some might but the vast majority won't.


Forza Somalia!
In 10-15 years, the contribution of the Somali Diaspora back home will be a fraction of what it is today.

Our Parents gen who send hundreds of dollars back home every month are nearing retirement, and when they do their kids who barely speak Somali ain't sending $500 a month back home to relatives they hardly know or raising money to develop their hometowns.

Some might but the vast majority won't.
Maybe, but I'm sure that these parents are rising their children to know at least they came from, like look at these young qabiyalist Somali diaspora who have never been to Somalia.
There must be established a connection between diaspora born Somalis and their hometowns


Forza Somalia!
We send a fifth of the national GDP back home every year. What else do they want :drakewtf:
Maybe that money isn't managed well? Or corruption is taking most of it. We need to rise that money and utilize it to establish plans development agenda and invest that in lasting project, like solar energy farm and water infiltration and attenuation systems etc


It's all so tiresome
Maybe that money isn't managed well? Or corruption is taking most of it. We need to rise that money and utilize it to establish plans development agenda and invest that in lasting project, like solar energy farm and water infiltration and attenuation systems etc

I joke but yh you're right. I'd rather invest the money we send so that we create more jobs.

Maybe in the future they'll support us in the west :yousmart:

Government there can't be relied on so we need to group together to protect our investments. Maybe some decentralized stock market like we already do with hawala and other lending mechanisms.

That way the locals get jobs, government gets the tax revenue it needs and we gain equity & dividends.

Right now it's all being spent on foreign grown khat. :ohlord:
The money back home often just goes towards utility bills and for basic necessities. We need to invest in infrastructure, education and business ventures that can make a difference to folks back home.


Forza Somalia!
As long as there is musuqmaasuq/corruption back home, I don't think it really matters how much the diaspora invest
The ones that pay and plan the constructions is the NGO, that is transparent and ledger is shared with the public. So the corruption should be minimum
Alright here goes.

So I actually have thought about this and surprised someone on Sspot mentioned.

In terms of sending money/remittances back home the Jews got all of us beat. Their main objectives literally are: Build more illegal settlements to expand, strengthen the military and defence and lobby the US Government. That is mainly it. You don't need me to tell you the results of this and the Jewish diaspora are experts in this field simply because they take it very seriously.

Next up we have the Armenian diaspora. They fund complex and basic projects for the needs of Armenians back home. Very simple but the results are colossal and these include Armenia not being in indebted to foreigners, possessing a separate entity to look after the people alongside the government and rapid development and progress.

Last we have us Somalis. Scattered across the globe and send more than $1.4 billion back home annually. So where is the progress and development you ask? Well there is a major problem with this!

Let's take our average Hooyo. She sends $100 a month directly to her family members for them to utilise to pay bills, food etc. or pay a western charity that is "supposedly" helping Somalia. See the problem? Yes, this is not the way to function! simply because; here is where all progress vanishes and now we are stuck in a cycle of charity. We absolutely have no corporation between each other and we let other people handle funds for us without oversight on what they actually do with it.

Here is the game plan :z1banet:

1. Come together to form an entity whether it be an NGO or a collective Fund.
2. Make sure we are sole owners, have controlling power and hire reliable, smart and honest employees who must deliver.
3. Promote and sign up each Somali in the diaspora including Somalis in other African countries.
4. After funds have been directly acquired, mobilise a team on the ground in Somalia and design various actually impactful projects in every corner of Somalia with no bias.
5. Project ideas include, major roads, pipelines, agriculture, covering basic necessities and other development projects etc. Also, ask the government for protection from terrorists as we are taking a big load of their shoulders for the time being.
6. Have a media team to capture live results, testimonies and show the impact on the ground.

We do this; and walahi I can guarantee that we will see colossal results in mere months no Somali government has ever achieved. Not to mention the massive decrease of external debt and of course the shock of our enemies.
Diaspora groups like Armenian and Jews helping their homeland countries. It is estimated " that the aggregate annual family incomes of 1 million Armenians who live in California may be 15 times higher than the entire GDP of the Armenian economy. In the years since independence, fourteen large Diaspora organizations have mobilized about US$900 million in assistance to Armenia. A considerable part of this funding was of non-Armenian origin (Manasaryan 2004). "
These contributions aimed to fund more than 130 infrastructure projects. Some Armenian diaspora funded an organization called Hometown associations, " present a case study of three large Armenian Diaspora initiatives to support business development in Armenia, launched on the principles of social entrepreneurship. "
The majority of HomeTown Associations are small with predominantly working-class membership, limiting their activities to fundraising for ongoing programs or special needs, such as a natural disaster, health and education.
There are other project that are meant to support business development in Armenia, launched on the principles of social entrepreneurship.

I think diaspora Somalis can take the Armenian diaspora as an example and start forming transparent NGOs that are supported by diaspora Somalis. Somalis in NA are estimated to be around 500 000, in Europe they are around 200 000, in Australia, NZ and Asia 10 000. Basically they are more than 710 000 Somalis in the first world countries. Which means that, if 250 000 Somalis from 710 000 Somali in the west, monthly contributed with 10 dollars, to a NGO, they can rise around 2,5 million each month. 2m and 500k dollars each month only from a quarter of the Somalis that live in the 1st world countries.

So can for example establish as I said transparent NGO or something similar to that, with a platform that shows where each dollars was spent, like share its budget ledger on the internet, to build a trust between the NGO and its contributors. Inform them about the NGO's future plans, and so on. Hire or get help from Somali that are expert in water and energy infrastructures, business, agriculture and nutritionist etc. On top of that the NGO can show where the most contributors live, that may encourage other diasporas to support.

It doesn't need to be one NGO, but many that are meant to do different things, but one is better so it that would not confuse the diaspora community and distract them.
For the love of god lets make NGOs without foreigners involved🤮


Forza Somalia!
Alright here goes.

So I actually have thought about this and surprised someone on Sspot mentioned.

In terms of sending money/remittances back home the Jews got all of us beat. Their main objectives literally are: Build more illegal settlements to expand, strengthen the military and defence and lobby the US Government. That is mainly it. You don't need me to tell you the results of this and the Jewish diaspora are experts in this field simply because they take it very seriously.

Next up we have the Armenian diaspora. They fund complex and basic projects for the needs of Armenians back home. Very simple but the results are colossal and these include Armenia not being in indebted to foreigners, possessing a separate entity to look after the people alongside the government and rapid development and progress.

Last we have us Somalis. Scattered across the globe and send more than $1.4 billion back home annually. So where is the progress and development you ask? Well there is a major problem with this!

Let's take our average Hooyo. She sends $100 a month directly to her family members for them to utilise to pay bills, food etc. or pay a western charity that is "supposedly" helping Somalia. See the problem? Yes, this is not the way to function! simply because; here is where all progress vanishes and now we are stuck in a cycle of charity. We absolutely have no corporation between each other and we let other people handle funds for us without oversight on what they actually do with it.

Here is the game plan :z1banet:

1. Come together to form an entity whether it be an NGO or a collective Fund.
2. Make sure we are sole owners, have controlling power and hire reliable, smart and honest employees who must deliver.
3. Promote and sign up each Somali in the diaspora including Somalis in other African countries.
4. After funds have been directly acquired, mobilise a team on the ground in Somalia and design various actually impactful projects in every corner of Somalia with no bias.
5. Project ideas include, major roads, pipelines, agriculture, covering basic necessities and other development projects etc. Also, ask the government for protection from terrorists as we are taking a big load of their shoulders for the time being.
6. Have a media team to capture live results, testimonies and show the impact on the ground.

We do this; and walahi I can guarantee that we will see colossal results in mere months no Somali government has ever achieved. Not to mention the massive decrease of external debt and of course the shock of our enemies.
That would be perfect

