The New Gaari-Wa Is The South


Remember they used to call us 'GAARI-WA' in our region other Somalis. Saying how it's desolate and empty of anything? Of course it will be desolate and empty if government doesn't provide services, there is no reason for anyone to live in the middle of the desert unless he is agenda is to live a nomadic lifestyle(which I got no issues against) cause your damn FREE from city life and institutions and all that nonsense. I respect the freedom of 'miyi' life, Infact I want to go to PL so I can experience it and 'enjoy' it, meel aadan xabsi ku ahayn weeye like paying bills, rent, mortgage, police stations and courts like cities.

Cities are centered around old 'european' medieval concepts, you won't know this as Somalis as this is quite 'normal' to you what you see in the western world, you haven't seen anything outside living like this. Your 1960 kids idinku, that's what I mean, you got nothing to talk about prior to Europeans most of the Somalis. It's hard to mix these older type of nations with newer type of peasantry into one nation wallahi, 'faan iyo waan ka fican ahay' ayaa dhalan doono inside of them. Complete separation is best at all times, where each somali iyo levelkisa inay mamul samaystan.

Anyways back to 'GAARI WA' inkaarki alle ayaa ku dhacay koonfurta. We used to be like them with no hospitals, schools, roads, security. My dad had to leave his family and history just to go to Mogadishu to study High school, yaab, I would be pissed of personally also yet they PUT UP WITH IT, I wouldn't. I am modern Somali, cadalad daro toos ah baan uuu arki laha taas anigu, lakin somalidu sabr badana. But to much sabr has caused the whole nation state to collapse because cadalad hadaysan jirin, even if you sabr, it will end in collapse cause Allah doesn't want people living in such un-fairness even if the intention is 'affirmative' action for lower graded clans in the nations to life themselves up who were indeed POORER AND FARMER SOCIETIES.

They are still poor all farmers no matter where they live in Somalia, they are always in IDP CAMPS, right at the bottom of our HEIRACHY and CLASS SYSTEM. They never get representation in old somali thinking, you don't really contribute much anyways to the nation, your being carried weeye, your dead weight. It's like rahanwayn, edeb yeelo, u might have beautiful lands but your not RICH like me nor in my Class. That's why u clean houses and shit, there is a CLASS SYSTEM, baro meeshad ka gashid waryaa ceeb ma aha sidan gabo. Umadu ma siina, equality is nonsense, your only equal before the LAW, not where you fit into society.

Anyways Allah has made them 'gaari'wa' now, suck shit koonfuray, die out u cunts. I hope GEDO suffers even worse, the next puntland illahi ka dhig, not this type of PL, but the one we inherited in the 60s. I want sade dead. Let's say we only accept centralism for HS/GM/KGS. Let them die out and ask for a confederation for PL/JL, why do we need to save them, iyagu waxay jecel yihin ha isku mamulan, anaguna waxan jecel nahay baan isku mamulayna. We don't have to have unified system, so many countries have unique systems and one nation like BRITISH/FRENCH CANADA

Gobal ka mid ah Somalia oo aan laheyn hal Isbitaal oo shaqeeya iyo halis ka jirta
October 8, 2019

Marka (Caasimada Online) – Gobalka Shabeellada Hoose ee Soomaaliya oo ka kooban 8 degmo ayaa dadka ku nool waxay wajahayaan dhibaatooyin daran, waxa uuna gobalku gaaray heerkii ugu hooseeyay dhowrkii sano ee la soo dhaafay.

Caasimada Online ayaa ogaatay in ay xirmeyn dhamaan Isbitaaladii ku yaalay gobalka islamarkaana ay Haweenka iyo qaybaha kale ee Bulshada ay wajahayaan dhibaatooyin daran oo halis ku ah nolasha kumanaan danyar iyo taajir isugu jira.

Dowladda Soomaaliya oo ka taliso 6 degmo oo ka tirsan Shabeelada Hoose ayaa ku guul dareysatay in ay ka shaqeysiiso Isbitaalladii gobalka oo dhamaantood ahaa danguud.

Isbitaallada Afgooye iyo Baraawe ayaa ugu dambeeyay oo u xirmay qalab iyo dawo la’aan kadib markii ay shaqada joojisay hay’adii caawin jiray halka Isbitaalkii magaalada Marka uu xirmay muran iyo dood soo kala dhaxgalay laba kamid ah beelaha ugu awooda badan Marka.

Meel kamid ah Shabeelada Hoose qofkii ku xanuunsada ama haweenaydii ay fool qabato meesha ugu dhow ee la keeni karo waa Isbitaalo ku yaalo duleedka magaalada Muqdisho, waxaase intaas oo dhan usii dheer amni darro iyo bur bur xoog leh oo wadooyinka gobalka ka jira.

“Ma jiro hal Isbitaal oo shaqeeya waxaana halis ku jira haweenka foolanaya iyo dadyawga kale ee gobalka, waxaan dalbaneynaa gargaar deg deg ah” ayuu yiri qof ka tirsan odayaasha degaanka.

“Waxaa noogu daran in la furo meelo lagu umuliyo haweenka waayo way adagtay in la soo qaado waxaana aad gobalkaan ugu badan qatarada kale ee dhanka amaanka” ayuu hadalkiisa sii raaciyay qofka aan la hadalnay oo ka tirsan waxgaradka Shabeellada Hoose.

Caasimada Online
Xafiiska Marka
Anyways Allah has made them 'gaari'wa' now, suck shit koonfuray, die out u cunts. I hope GEDO suffers even worse, the next puntland illahi ka dhig, not this type of PL, but the one we inherited in the 60s. I want sade dead. Let's say we only accept centralism for HS/GM/KGS. Let them die out and ask for a confederation for PL/JL, why do we need to save them, iyagu waxay jecel yihin ha isku mamulan, anaguna waxan jecel nahay baan isku mamulayna.

Ban this guy for his own sake.


Ban this guy for his own sake.

That's why SOMNET died, you can't regulate free speech, it just ensure the person continues to spread his speech to his clan and prepare THEM for you and any leader sade ka soo baxo for the next 100 years, so every siyasi sade they see they will ensure they take my knowledge about him. U never win by silencing people, it means they confirm they are a THREAT to u ama way QARXIYEEN BEENTADA. U need to answer DOODISA ama he won't TANASUL from it. He will keep it, spread it, inject it to anyone he sees locally or abroad and wait till the information age SPREADS IT out so all beesha is prepared and ready for cadowga soo jireenka.

