The new FRIENDSHIP between ISRAEL and the ARAB countries

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The problem is, whenever a Somali gets a chance to use their voice for good, they attack Israel and cry about the Palestinian issue. Omar is a citizen of the US and a Somali by blood, these two identities are far more important than Arabs thousands of miles away who can’t even fight back against a people who were nearly eradicated off the earth by Hitler. She needs to get her priorities sorted and stop playing the heroic Muslim feminist saviour.
It’s helping her a lot most Americans especially whites despise and are jealous of jews, Democrats love her firce mj nature(she’s the only one with the balls to stand up to trump) many are saying Ilhan 2020, far left and far right combined, however she wasn’t born there:jcoleno:
It’s helping her a lot most Americans especially whites despise and are jealous of jews, Democrats love her firce mj nature(she’s the only one with the balls to stand up to trump) many are saying Ilhan 2020, far left and far right combined, however she wasn’t born there:jcoleno:

I hope she doesn’t become president. The last thing we need is a loud-mouthed, liberal sjw feminist with a huge ego to dominate the White House.
are you muslim? you just said she "attacked the very demographic that controls the us(you mean the jews)" and you said "too leave the palestinian(muslims) cry babies to their fate(death and humiliation)"
Here we go again. Another idiot who has been radicalised to believe that Islam is a political identity. Yes, I am a devout Muslim and proud, but why should I have to care about or defend others just because of it? I have a duty and obligation to support and defend by own people first as Somalia is facing its own problems. Just because I am Muslim, doesn’t mean I have to cry over someone else’s humiliation. It’s a dog eat dog world.
I hope she doesn’t become president. The last thing we need is a loud-mouthed, liberal sjw feminist with a huge ego to dominate the White House.
Conservatives hate women and as trump showed if you scream loud enough all the racists you didn't know existed will come out and vote right wing. So long as the electoral system works then no woman will ever get past right wing votes.
Somali Zionists are high-key just self-hating cucks.That's like being a chicken who supports KFC. Israelis are notoriously racist and they're not your friend.
You'd react the same way if tons of mexicans and drug dealing thugs moved to your neighbourhood in somalia once you saved up and bought a nice mansion and car.

Whites colonised= white countries are for everyone.
Everyone else didn't do shit to deserve their land being overrun by foreigners.



Here we go again. Another idiot who has been radicalised to believe that Islam is a political identity. Yes, I am a devout Muslim and proud, but why should I have to care about or defend others just because of it? I have a duty and obligation to support and defend by own people first as Somalia is facing its own problems. Just because I am Muslim, doesn’t mean I have to cry over someone else’s humiliation. It’s a dog eat dog world.
you just said your a devout muslim right. you do know its haram to put your nationality over your religion which is what your doing. we have to stand up to any persecution or any oppression of any group no matter their religion or nationality. we are commanded in doing that. you can do this in many ways. for example, boycot products, fight against them online, etc. i care about the oppression of our fellow muslims by non muslims. the somali problem is an internal problem. somalis killing somalis like always.


you just said your a devout muslim right. you do know its haram to put your nationality over your religion which is what your doing. we have to stand up to any persecution or any oppression of any group no matter their religion or nationality. we are commanded in doing that. you can do this in many ways. for example, boycot products, fight against them online, etc. i care about the oppression of our fellow muslims by non muslims. the somali problem is an internal problem. somalis killing somalis like always.



Reformation of Somaliland
All this is because of Iran, the funny thing is they wanted Qatar to decrease it's trade with Iran but UAE biggest trade partner is Iran.

They're angry at Hama's for going to Iran for support when they won't support them

Israel & Saudi has 3 enemies
  1. Hamas
  2. Hizbullah
  3. Houthie
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
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