the most annoying thing about gaalos

Is that they lack the ability to leave Islam in peace.

For some reason they think being an "ex-muslim" is a personality trait and they create a whole personality centered around being ex muslim

Then they feel the need to turn into anti-islam activists.

Like you are doing too much:draketf:
Anyone is allowed to talk about whatever they want. I don't see nor understand why it would bother you for an ex-Muslim to express their thoughts and experiences
I don't have a problem with people leaving Islam, there's no compulsion in religion, but they seem to have some sort of vendetta against Islam. They go out of their way to discredit Islam and try to shame people for still following the deen.


Getting draids inshallah
They are lashing out against those they deem are their enemy. It's an emotional response from them because in some part of their consciousness, they still have ties to Islam. It's like how some closeted gay dudes hate everything gay to a level that is just beyond normal reaction. They hate themselves for what they are if that makes sense.

So an ex-muslim still has all those emotions that ties them to Islam because that is what they were born with and they hate that part of their identity is still defined by something they think they rejected.

Meaning, it's an emotional response that they have to figure out. You don't get mad at an animal for doing something stupid, pity them and move on.


Akh Right movement
They are to express their feelings in a bad way by atheists of Christians so they can make muslims look bad. I’ve seen lots of ex Muslims exposed. They can’t even read Surah al fatiha. And also I’ve seen fake ex muslims converting to Christianity so they can get paid


Milf hunter
They have no life that's why. Apart from being ex-Muslims there's nothing else to them. Bashing Islam fills their inner void caused by them leaving in the first place :samwelcome:

a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
no no no
my favorite
“dO yoU WeaR thAt iN thE sHoWeR??”
“nOt eVen wATer??”
“aRe yoU sUUUUre yoU’Re nOT hunGry??”
they’re burned into my head :mjlol:

