The moist famous French twin died


Forza Somalia!
Waryaada they are died
@Apollo @TekNiKo @kickz @Ghengis Kaarhis

Even died together, probs the botched surgeries fucked up their bodies

There was always that quick run down meme, I don't even know what they claimed or not


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Yes and they were famous for being anti vax aswell
@Sophisticate @AbdiGaalDoon you hear that? They died on the same week from covid and were anti vax
They were likely 25% plastic. And I presume the level of xenobiotics in their system were much too high. That's the problem with loading yourself with toxins and subjecting yourself to needless surgeries.

Anyway, do not come to me with anecdotal stories of unvaccinated deaths in an effort to prove a point. That lacks nuance. Because it fails to consider how their covid was treated. Early treatment? (yes/no) What their disease status was prior to infection? What their nutritional status was? Activity levels? Their toxic load? What hospital protocols may have influenced their outcome/treatments they underwent? And so forth.