As we know the fourth Rashidun Caliph Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA (cousin and son in law of the Prophet Muhammad SAW) was killed by an Egyptian Kharijite (member of Khawarij) while praying Fajr in Kufa, Iraq.
Here is some text:
What you may not know is that Ali RA was wounded with a poison sword, so he stayed long enough to see his would be killer.
Ali RA said if he lived, he would punish his killer as he saw fit. And if he died, that his killer be killed in one blow- and not tortured.
Subhanallah, imagine showing mercy to the man who fatally wounded you during Fajr. Amazing kindness shown by Amir ul Mumineen Ali RA.
Here is some text:
What you may not know is that Ali RA was wounded with a poison sword, so he stayed long enough to see his would be killer.
Ali RA said if he lived, he would punish his killer as he saw fit. And if he died, that his killer be killed in one blow- and not tortured.
Subhanallah, imagine showing mercy to the man who fatally wounded you during Fajr. Amazing kindness shown by Amir ul Mumineen Ali RA.