The men behind turning Somalia into the next Congo

They will just get sanctioned to death and also the corporations will influence countries neighbouring them to attack them which happened countless time and even get western intervention also Afghanistan is not a good comparison to Congo because Afghanistan is landlocked and is not as rich in resources as Congo and their population is not that big as Congo. Also if they pick up arms who they fighting? They don't have foreign forces and read what I said above in this paragraph of what the corporations will do.
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They will just get sanctioned to death and also the corporations will influence countries neighbouring them to attack them which happened countless time and even get western intervention also Afghanistan is not a good comparison to Congo because Afghanistan is landlocked and is not as rich in resources as Congo and their population is not that big as Congo. Also if they pick up arms who they fighting? They don't have foreign forces and read what I said above in this paragraph of what the corporations will do.
I agree with you that congo is in a special position with respect to foreign meddling since theyre crucial to the phone and electric vehicle industries, crucial industries. This makes it a bigger target for big dogs like us to make sure it falls in line since apple and tesla are part of us power

@MaakhirMayor its true if they united theyd gain soverignty easily, but they have like 200+ ethnic groups and languages, they arent really united. If history has taught us anything its that divide and conquer is an S-tier strategy. None of these independence movements like indias (i bring it up because it also had a huge population) wouldve been succesful without the great powers being weakened after ww2. Soverignty is difficult to attain when the invisible hand (foreign influence) is strong


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