The link between al shabaab and Daacish in qandala


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Kooxdan waxay gaaraysaa 150 ilaa 180-Xubnood ,waxaa kusoo biira bil walba labo iyo sadex xubnood oo cusub.
Waxay hada isku dayayaan in ay ganacsatada ku khasbaan in ay ka qaadaan waxay ugu yeereen Sako.
Waxaa si xoog leh loogu tuhmayaa dilkii Maareeye xigeenkii shirkada Golis Cabdulahai Cali Cumar,waxay ku shaqaystaan qaraxyo iyo dilal qorshaysan.
Mahan koox qaadi karta dagaal ama leh fariisin ay difaacan karaan,waxay ku hawlgalaan si koox koox ah waxayna uwada socdaan 10 ilaa 15-xubnood.wayna guur-guuraan.
Kooxdu waxay fariismo guurguura ku leeyihiin meelo udhwo Degmada Qandala ee bariga Bosaso.
Waxaa hogaamiya Nin lagu magacaabo Cabdiqaadir Muumin oo u dhshay beesha Cali Saleebaan
Waxaa ku xigeen u ah Cabdixakiin duqub oo u dhashay beesha Cali Saleebaan.
Ku xigeenka labaad waa Cabdiweli Aw Maxamed Yuusuf oo u dhashay beesha Cali Saleebaan.
Madaxa Maaliyada waxaa u ah Sayid Maalin Daahir oo u dhashay beesha Shiikhaal reer Awqudub.
Madaxa Sakooyinka iyo canshuur ururinta ah waxaa u ah Mahad Macalin Maxamed oo u dhashay beesha Cali Saleebaan.
Kooxda waxaa ujooga Nin Suuriyaan ah oo siiya tababarka iyo sida Miinooyinka loo dhigo wadooyinka.
Kooxdan tiradoodu waa 400 ilaa 500 waana kooxda ugu khatarsan ee Puntland ku haysa amni xumada amni xumada.
Waxay taageero toos ah ka helaan maamulka Somaliland,si gaar ah waxaa gacanta ugu haya Maxamed Kaahin Wasiirka arimaha gudaha ee maamulkaas.waxayna ka helaan dhaqaale iyo saad joogta ah.
Maxamed Cabdulaahi oo udhashay beesha Isaaq Habarjeclo ayaa uqaabilsan xiriirka Somaliland iyo kooxda Alshabaab.
Kooxdan Maleeshiyaadkooda beesha ugu badan ee ay kasoo jeedaan waa Isaaq,gaar ahaan Habarjeclo.
Waxaa hogaamiya Nin lagu magacaabo Yaasiin Kilwe oo udhashay beesha Warsangeli Dubays.
Waxaa ku xiga Nin lagu magacaabo Cabdalla Bataal oo udhashay beesha Isaaq Habarjeclo.
Waxaa kusii xiga Nin lagu magacaabo Maxamed faruur Ibraahim oo udhashay beesha Isaaq Arab
Kooxdu waxay ku hawlgashaa dagaalka loo yaqaan ku dhufo ka dhaqaaq,Qaraxyo iyo dilal qorshaysan oo ay ka fuliyaan magaalooyinka.
Farisimyada ay sida guurguuritaanka ah uga hawlgalaan kuan weeraraan Ciidamada Puntland ,ayaa kala ah,Bali Khadar,Sugure iyo Af-urur
Kooxda waxaa la jooga Nin Sudan u dhashay oo lagu magacaabo Cabdalla kana soo da’diisu tahay 40-jir dhiig furan,waxuuna uqaabilsan yahay tababarada iyo keenista Hubka ee dhanka Yemen.
Abaanduulayaasha Maleeshiyaadka kooxda hawlgaliya waxay kala yihiin Rabaani oo udhashay beesha Isaaq.Cali Macaane oo aysan noo suuroobin in aan qabiilkiisa helno iyo Haaruun oo udhashay beesha hawiye gaar ahaan Duduble.
Kooxda iyo sirdoonka Somaliland oo iskaashanaya waxay hada diyaarinayaan qorshe balaaran oo ay ku khalkhalgalinayaan doorashooyinka madaxtooyo ee Puntland.
Qorshayaashooda waxaa ka mid ah in ay fuliyaan dilala qorshaysan oo ka dhaca caasimada Garowe loona gaysto Xildhibaanada,musharaxiinta iyo Wasiirada Puntland.
Kooxda waxaa ku yar Xubnahooda iyo madaxdoodaba shaqsiyaadka kasoo jeeda beelaha Maxamuud Saleebaan.

@kickz @Reer-Bari @Diaspora ambassador @Libaaxseendheer


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Waxaa hogaamiya Nin lagu magacaabo Cabdiqaadir Muumin oo u dhshay beesha Cali Saleebaan
Waxaa ku xigeen u ah Cabdixakiin duqub oo u dhashay beesha Cali Saleebaan.
Ku xigeenka labaad waa Cabdiweli Aw Maxamed Yuusuf oo u dhashay beesha Cali Saleebaan.
Madaxa Maaliyada waxaa u ah Sayid Maalin Daahir oo u dhashay beesha Shiikhaal reer Awqudub.
Madaxa Sakooyinka iyo canshuur ururinta ah waxaa u ah Mahad Macalin Maxamed oo u dhashay beesha Cali Saleebaan.
Kooxda waxaa ujooga Nin Suuriyaan ah oo siiya tababarka iyo sida Miinooyinka loo dhigo wadooyinka.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Wararkii ugu dambeeyey dagaalka Al-Shabaab iyo Daacish Qandala

Degaanka Dhaadaar iyo tuulooyinka ku teedsan oo ka tirsan degmada Qandala ee gobolka Bari ee Punland ayaa isgaarisiintu ka go’nayd mudo 21 cisho ah, kadib marki halkaas uu dagaal ku dhex maray ururada Al-Shabaab iyo Daacish.

Ma jirto cid xog dhab ah ka haysa khasaaraha labada dhinaca ee halakaas ku dagaalamay.

Guddomiye ku-xigeenka degmada Qandala ee gobolka Bari, Cabdikhaaliq Maxamed Ismaaciil ayaa VOA u sheegay in dagaalkii ugu danbayey uu saddex maalin ka hor ka socday dhulka Buuralayda ah, ee degmada Qandala u jira 200 KM.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Back to the topic at hand @Reer-Bari how many of your uncles are members of al shabaab and isis? Soon in sha Allah amisom troops will be deployed in qandala waa billahi towfiq


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The elite unit in PL is pmpf. Try to came to us. We will capture you and your uncle xaarmajoo with his fufu foot soldiers.
We are speaking about isis in qandala and al shabaab terrorists not puntlands government or shacab you mummbling buffoon puntland is a federal state in somalia.

Puntlands government does not support al shabaab and governor deni leader is the president of somalia president farmaajo.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
You are A hateful individual. What has CS done to you I am baffled by your recent posts about the CS clan. Or are you A bit jealous about the accomplishments of CS. In the time of the boqor CS where the Elite soldier's till today that changed the same instead of boqor it became the elite soldiers of the state. In PL CS thrives in business and in africa we are known as the african jews and in arabia we floorish aswell.

All.of your hate is pointed towards One bad thing instead of all the good.

I hope the almighty grants you cristal clear thinking to avoid situations like this in the future.

This guy is a proper shandako


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You are A hateful individual. What has CS done to you I am baffled by your recent posts about the CS clan. Or are you A bit jealous about the accomplishments of CS. In the time of the boqor CS where the Elite soldier's till today that changed the same instead of boqor it became the elite soldiers of the state. In PL CS thrives in business and in africa we are known as the african jews and in arabia we floorish aswell.

All.of your hate is pointed towards One bad thing instead of all the good.

I hope the almighty grants you cristal clear thinking to avoid situations like this in the future.

This guy is a proper shandako
This thread is about isis and al shabaab in qandala region which is inhabited by cali saleeban and most of isis leaders and fighters in qandala are cali saleeban boowe i hate terrorists in general not cali saleeban

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
This thread is about isis and al shabaab in qandala region which is inhabited by cali saleeban and most of isis leaders and fighters in qandala are cali saleeban boowe i hate terrorists in general not cali saleeban

Lol if you really hate terrorists you would applaud the efforts of the cs marines that are liberating the galgala mountains. Not qandala as a whole only the mountains. And the fact that ISIS is considering (more already in the process) relocating to Ethiopia.

Thus you ought to focus on AS even ISIS sees them as terrorists hahahaha.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lol if you really hate terrorists you would applaud the efforts of the cs marines that are liberating the galgala mountains. Not qandala as a whole only the mountains. And the fact that ISIS is considering (more already in the process) relocating to Ethiopia.

Thus you ought to focus on AS even ISIS sees them as terrorists hahahaha.
What do you think this thread was about? It’s clearly states isis and al shabaab in qandala why did you think it was about cali saleeban? Boowe not all cali saleeban are terrorists. This is constructive criticism it’s not my fault you guys are emotional and can’t accept Constructive criticism

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
What do you think this thread was about? It’s clearly states isis and al shabaab in qandala why did you think it was about cali saleeban? Boowe not all cali saleeban are terrorists. This is constructive criticism it’s not my fault you guys are emotional and can’t accept Constructive criticism

Hold up park this shit. Don't you remember ranting about ISIS and Cali Saleebaan and now you made a thread about ISIS coincidence much?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Hold up park this shit. Don't you remember ranting about ISIS and Cali Saleebaan and now you made a thread about ISIS coincidence much?

Waxaa hogaamiya Nin lagu magacaabo Cabdiqaadir Muumin oo u dhshay beesha Cali Saleebaan
Waxaa ku xigeen u ah Cabdixakiin duqub oo u dhashay beesha Cali Saleebaan.
Ku xigeenka labaad waa Cabdiweli Aw Maxamed Yuusuf oo u dhashay beesha Cali Saleebaan.
Madaxa Maaliyada waxaa u ah Sayid Maalin Daahir oo u dhashay beesha Shiikhaal reer Awqudub.
Madaxa Sakooyinka iyo canshuur ururinta ah waxaa u ah Mahad Macalin Maxamed oo u dhashay beesha Cali Saleebaan.
Kooxda waxaa ujooga Nin Suuriyaan ah oo siiya tababarka iyo sida Miinooyinka loo dhigo wadooyinka.


I am merely calling a spade a spade:manny:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Oke? A list of ISIS members lol. Do you also have a list of names that fight ISIS, or is your view one sided?

Just drop it, and move on. Focus on your own tuulo and how to develop it.
Last time i chrcked somalia was still one country and we have one president who is farmaajo i hope the federal government in mogadishu sends amisom troops to qandala somalia so they can defeat isis and al shabaab in qandala somalia

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
Last time i chrcked somalia was still one country and we have one president who is farmaajo i hope the federal government in mogadishu sends amisom troops to qandala somalia so they can defeat isis and al shabaab in qandala somalia

Somalia is a country with autonomous regions. The FGS wouldn't and couldn't send Amisom to puntland. You are forgetting that PL is the shiny part of Somalia thanks to the anarchic central and southern regions. And not to forget the succession bro's made us shine eventhough they could have shined themselves.

PS. You truly want nothing achieving amisom in PL this wil lead to a war which amisom will lose.