The line has finally been crossed: Somalis on Somali Features are cooking BACON STRIPS for breakfast

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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I honestly would respect bacon eaters over alcoholics. At least bacon doesn't alter your mind and make you shit yourself or make rush decisions or get violent and abuse your family and friends.

I agree, bacon eating is the lesser of of the too. But you should keep in mind that bacon and alcohol do not have the same appeal.
Walahi I hope these kinds of qasaaro diasporas forget there history where they came from and forget they're Somalis, and they just slowly disappear, Allah swt created these ppl for us to be thankful and count our blessings. They are a walking calamity and trial Allah swt put on this earth, there's nothing sexy or attractive about them once they go that far :susp:


Bacon tastes a lot better than it looks, it tastes decent, but the consistency of ham looks gross to the point I haven't been able to bring myself to try it.
Bacon tastes a lot better than it looks, it tastes decent, but the consistency of ham looks gross to the point I haven't been able to bring myself to try it.
haha i have never tried bacon or ham for some reason. I still subconsciously find it disgusting. Its the one of the things that was heavily instilled into the somali psyche.


haha i have never tried bacon or ham for some reason. I still subconsciously find it disgusting. Its the one of the things that was heavily instilled into the somali psyche.
It was by accident at first, it came with my entree and I ended up nibbling at it out of curiosity but stopped short. And then some other time, someone made me a breakfast with bacon and eggs, they claimed their bacon was a1 and I was missing out so I gave it an honest try that time. I still don't eat pepperoni pizza or ham/salami/pastrami, but bacon's alright. Not with any consistency, but I'm not aversed.
It was by accident at first, it came with my entree and I ended up nibbling at it out of curiosity but stopped short. And then some other time, someone made me a breakfast with bacon and eggs, they claimed their bacon was a1 and I was missing out so I gave it an honest try that time. I still don't eat pepperoni pizza or ham/salami/pastrami, but bacon's alright. Not with any consistency, but I'm not aversed.
nice. I need to expand my palate. will try out bacon and ham sometime soon. who knows i might enjoy it. Im still living with hooyo, so i won't contaminate her food. otherwise i will get the dacas. :icon lol:
Sometimes I compare the Somali community in the diaspora to other immigrant communities.
For example the Indians and Pakistanis came to the UK in the 50's and 60's.
They hold on to their culture, the kids can speak Urdu, Punjabi ect really well. You won't hear and see them try and imitate other cultures.
Then you have the Somali xoolo, they think it's cool to copy and imitate other cultures. Their parents were probably reer meyi and came to the west as refugees. They can't speak a lick of Somali and think it's cool that they can't speak their own language.
The Somali degenerates are a lost cause, they can blend in with who ever they want to follow and therefore breed their khasaaro genes out and no one gives a f*ck because their parents clearly failed them.


Sometimes I compare the Somali community in the diaspora to other immigrant communities.
For example the Indians and Pakistanis came to the UK in the 50's and 60's.
They hold on to their culture, the kids can speak Urdu, Punjabi ect really well. You won't hear and see them try and imitate other cultures.
Then you have the Somali xoolo, they think it's cool to copy and imitate other cultures. Their parents were probably reer meyi and came to the west as refugees. They can't speak a lick of Somali and think it's cool that they can't speak their own language.
The Somali degenerates are a lost cause, they can blend in with who ever they want to follow and therefore breed their khasaaro genes out and no one gives a f*ck because their parents clearly failed them.
The punjabs you know must be fobs. Indians have been here far longer than we are and unless they're fresh fobs, they're like Superwoman (Lily Singh), Russell Peters and Aziz Ansari, informal or poor Indian speech and Americanized with some cultural flair (dress) for occasions.
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The punjabs you know must be fobs. Indians have been here far longer than we are and unless they're fresh fobs, they're like Superwoman (Lily Singh), Russell Peters and Aziz Ansari, informal or poor Indian speech and Americanized with some cultural flair (dress) for occasions.
Actually aren't we all Fobs, just because I have a British Basaabort that will never make me an English person.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Actually aren't we all Fobs, just because I have a British Basaabort that will never make me an English person.

I think she means most are second generation by this point.

And even then they didn't flee a civil war en masse as refugees. Most that immigrated were already educated and simply wanted a better life for their kids.

Our situation is kind of similar to Iraqis and Syrians than it is Indians. Also aren't the Pakistanis kind of iffy in the UK?
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