The government of Mali bans all French NGOs from operating within the country

This with Russia soon to send 100 million dollars worth of fertilizer, agricultural equipment, food and fuel. We will see what tools the west and France will use (IMF, World Bank, etc) to keep Mali from completely leaving their orbit.

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This with Russia soon to send 100 million dollars worth of fertilizer, agricultural equipment, food and fuel. We will see what tools the west and France will use (IMF, World Bank, etc) to keep Mali from completely leaving their orbit.

NGOs are just a way for western nations to launder money back to themselves, Guul to Mali

Omar del Sur

mali is too far away for russia to impose neo colonialism.

I don't think Russia is a neocolonialist power in the Third World.

Let's say Mali's government wanted to implement some sharia measures. Who is it that's going to start shrieking and trying to meddle?

Look at Qatar for example. Who is trying to force their culture and values on Qatar?

I think it's disingenuous to pretend that Russia is as neocolonialist as the West when it comes to the Third World.

Omar del Sur

Zizek even admits what I'm talking about in an article he wrote against Russia and he considers it a bad thing. he attacks Russia on the basis that they're not in line with trying to force liberal Western values on everyone. no one can seriously argue that Russia is trying to force "Russian values" on the world.

"Meanwhile, my sources in Russia tell me that President Vladimir Putin has assembled a group of Marxists to counsel him on how to present Russia’s position in the developing world. One can find traces of this influence in the speech he gave on August 16:

“The situation in the world is changing dynamically and the outlines of a multipolar world order are taking shape. An increasing number of countries and peoples are choosing a path of free and sovereign development based on their own distinct identity, traditions, and values. These objective processes are being opposed by the Western globalist elites, who provoke chaos, fanning long-standing and new conflicts and pursuing the so-called containment policy, which in fact amounts to the subversion of any alternative, sovereign development options.”

But, of course, two details spoil this “Marxist” critique. First, sovereignty “based on their own distinct identity, traditions, and values” implies that one should tolerate what the state is doing in places like North Korea or Afghanistan. Yet that is completely out of step with true leftist solidarity, which focuses squarely on antagonisms within each “distinct identity” in order to build bridges between struggling and oppressed groups across countries."

Now firstly I don't think there's anything Marxist about saying nations can develop on the basis of their own culture and values. But then secondly notice how Zizek ties in Afghanistan. The implicit thing with Zizek where he's fighting Putin (in relation to Muslims) is: should countries be allowed to try to implement a sharia-based system?

and Zizek obviously is acting as a propagandist for the West. the Western/Zizek position is- no, the West should intervene to make sure no Muslim country can implement the sharia. the position that Muslims are free to run their countries in line with their own values is what Zizek is arguing against and what Zizek himself is attributing to Putin.
@Omar del Sur

Islam makes the most theological sense and it has the most holistic approach to life, however, I wouldn't want my Nation to join non-African States in any form of union -- unless we were also very developed.

Omar del Sur

@Omar del Sur

Islam makes the most theological sense and it has the most holistic approach to life, however, I wouldn't want my Nation to join non-African States in any form of union -- unless we were also very developed.

This should really be a different thread. Why don't you make a thread on this? I don't want to make the OP because I want you to be the one to frame your viewpoint.

What I saying was really geared towards people who already believe in Islam. But of course I am happy to try to address concerns about Islam although I honestly feel very unworthy. But I do my best insha'Allah.

This concern of yours with- no disrespect intended- is not something that is specifically African. It can be seen with white nationalists, I've heard a Spanish nationalist say something similar and it is something you can see amongst some black and African nationalists.

Again without meaning any disrespect- I believe it is a form of extremism. Extremism isn't just violent ISIS type extremism but it can take forms such as worshipping a human as God.

In this instance- and this is common with many nationalists... now that I think of it I even heard a Mexican nationalist express a similar viewpoint... the concern is- Islam will take precedent over racial/ethnic interests.

Yes, yes it will. If you have to choose between race and Allah, you have to choose Allah. And this is the case with Christianity as well and many extreme nationalists argue against Christianity on this basis.

It could be sex. It could be money. It could be social status. It could be racial/ethnic/tribal interests. Whatever it is, you must never put it or anything before Allah. And once you do that, I'm convinced you have made it an idol.

Everything belongs in its proper place. There's a place for food. For money. For sex. For tribal/national interests. Every halal thing is fine in its proper place. But when you elevate it beyond its proper place, this is going to extremes.

And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.

-Surah Adh-Dhariyat 51:56

There is nothing wrong with loving your heritage. But we were created to worship Allah. Everything else comes second. لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ. That is tawheed. That is the basis of Islam.

Anyways, it is following Allah that makes nations great and it is turning away from Allah that makes nations fall.

Pure nationalism is a modern phenomena that has to do with post-"Enlightenment" secularization. Look at Hitler. Trump. Nasser. Chávez. None of them brought success. Look at Ba'athism, look at Syria. Look at all the civil wars. Pure nationalism's history is a history of failure. No one is your friend or enemy just because they share or don't share your skin color or racial/ethnic origin. How often is it that the person you have to fight is someone who looks like you.


Omar del Sur

Another thing I want to mention is that I believe secular nationalism in any Third World context is contradictory because it is actually just Westernization in disguise.

Ataturk, Nasser, Ba'athism... I think Siad Barre would be in this list but you historians tell me... Plutarco Calles in Mexico, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro... whatever secular nationalist movement, ideology, etc. that you can find in the Third World- I don't think you will find any such thing prior to the European "Enlightenment" and without being made possible by the "Enlightenment". I don't believe any Nasser, Siad Barre or Fidel Castro could exist prior to the "Enlightenment". A Mad Mullah, I think yes. But not someone like Ataturk, for example.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
what is the Russian neocolonialism?

They swapped out French aid and are now getting aid from Russia. The same Russia that has military contractors operating in Mail.

They have also been speculated to have been behind the coup that deposed the French supporting former government.

Reality is that they’ve swapped being choked by France to being choked by Russia. Some say that’s a better situation but let’s not fool ourselves by claiming they’re asserting independence.


They swapped out French aid and are now getting aid from Russia. The same Russia that has military contractors operating in Mail.

They have also been speculated to have been behind the coup that deposed the French supporting former government.

Reality is that they’ve swapped being choked by France to being choked by Russia. Some say that’s a better situation but let’s not fool ourselves by claiming they’re asserting independence.
lol false comparison, the Russians don't control the finances as France.

Omar del Sur

I want to say some things about liberals.

The other day I was watching a video on VisualPolitik. I'm sure some people have seen the English version. They have an English version and a Spanish version.

I always skipped over their videos because I saw them as a mouthpiece for liberalism.

But a YouTube channel put out a video on them and exposed that they were basically shills and mouthpieces for NATO. And this was the Spanish version (which is the original), supposedly by and for Hispanics and it turned out... besides being liberal propaganda they also just happened to be shills for NATO and for the United States.

Notice it's the same pattern here. I don't have to mention any names. Just notice- the big mouthpieces for liberalism will "just happen" to gravitate towards the pro-Western stance on pretty much any issue.

Liberals basically function as a fifth column for Western colonialism. They might criticize the West, talk about "white supremacy," etc.- but when Western interests are threatened they will move to protect Western interests and hegemony. Liberals have a vested interest in Western domination because it is the West that props up their ideology.

In any anti-colonial uprising, the collaborators would tend to be the first to get it. Liberalism functions as the yoke at the service of Western colonialism. It is the ideological invasion (as seen in Qatar). Breaking that yoke is a key to free one's self and one's society from any Western colonial grip.