"the fantastic somalia job" wikileaks spills the bean

what does uae and this arab countries want from somalia, we don't have any historical war with then nor do we share border UAE is in every plot against somalia wlh waa yaab
This Farax macalim guy is on the payroll of Abye.

He needs to stop blaming US for everything.
The reason why US is undermining Abye is because of Chinas aggressive take over of Ethiopia.
what does uae and this arab countries want from somalia, we don't have any historical war with then nor do we share border UAE is in every plot against somalia wlh waa yaab
Most of Somali wealth is in UAE.
Also its says alot when UAE was supporting Ethiopian invasion Qatar was supporting Alshabaab.


Most of Somali wealth is in UAE.
Also its says alot when UAE was supporting Ethiopian invasion Qatar was supporting Alshabaab.
Exactly. People are blind to just how much the Qatari terrorists have F'ed us up.

F Qatar and F UAE.

If we don’t solve our own problems we are finished. Do you really think they will leave us alone if we break into smaller chunks?


Jealous arabs can't handle regional competition form a future horn power. Not really surprising tbh.

The rest is our own fault for allowing foreign wolves into our family affairs. Something that hasn't been done before colonialism.



"Washington expected Dr Abiy Ahmed to sustain but he retorted a categorical NO."
but Ethiopia still has major presence in somalia, what did Farah mean by this?
i think now is even worse but first thing that i would advice farmajo to do is to get us out from arab league then cut all relationship with all arab countries number one UAE , saudi arabia and qatar and then start peace talks within all somali clans if there is no division and no animosity within then the outside enemy want do anything just look at turkey how nationalistic they are

