Prime minister Maxamed Kaahin
He is a secret PM. Seylici position doesn't really exist (he is barely seen attending anywhere important).
The guy who posted it is from the NFD.... Seeing what the other "Somali"-Kenyan wrote, I would take it with a pinch of salt. However, if the Emiratis want to have their sandy-asses handed to them, then they'd better watch out- all 1 million ayeeyo's in Somalia will use their hijabs to hang them, Carewello style
He posted it from Africa Intelligence. Farah Maalim is a pro Somalia politician usually.,108360282-art
Kenya nor ethiopia can afford to go to war as it is a lost cause for them
NeverOk my bad, I just thouhgt wrong. None the less, this signals for a strong FGS and strong relations between ALL Somali states.... or we can can bend our backs over to our new Emirati overlords and welcome in a new era of Somali subservient behavior , allowing the twitter Xalimo's BLM/Slavery stories to become a reality
May Allah protect the Somali nation from foreign and domestic enemies who either wish for her to fail or only succeed through only them. I am certain evil plans never materialize for long.
UAE is definitely a cancer, kinda hope Iran takes those bastards out.