The dulmiga shisheeye has arrived in London to see his cadaan and watch a white man having a crown put on his head.

The dulmiga shisheeye has arrived in London to see his cadaan and watch a white man having a crown put on his head.
The called for him to attend their 'coronation' and he attends like a dutiful child.
A country the UK that keeps Somalia under Chapter 7 UN which means the countries' sovereignty is out of its's hands.
A country the UK that is Somalia's 'pen keeper' in the UN ( like a parent looking after it's child)
A country the UK that fights to keep the arms embargo on Somalia.
A country that has trains, arms and funded the 'somaliland' paramilitary death squads (RRU) that has killed and displaced hundreds in Las Anod.

Somalis are a pitiful people.



Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
The dulmiga shisheeye has arrived in London to see his cadaan and watch a white man having a crown put on his head.
The called for him to attend their 'coronation' and he attends like a dutiful child.
A country the UK that keeps Somalia under Chapter 7 UN which means the countries' sovereignty is out of its's hands.
A country the UK that is Somalia's 'pen keeper' in the UN ( like a parent looking after it's child)
A country the UK that fights to keep the arms embargo on Somalia.
A country that has trains, arms and funded the 'somaliland' paramilitary death squads (RRU) that has killed and displaced hundreds in Las Anod.

Somalis are a pitiful people.

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Not Somalis but the spineless people of the south

