Few days after a flood that destroyed roads
21 months later
Wonder how long some will wait for the failed Mogadishu government to build them stuff.
Mogadishu government itself is attacked on a daily basis. If I remember correctly one the ministers was killed a few weeks ago, this puts a large strain on the capabilities of dealing with these types of situations. Also, with the bridge, you cannot solely blame the government, the army is to blame for most of it. Why haven't they given the all clear sign yet or cleared the way yet? Why haven't they at least put up a temporary bridge? I mean it's not that hard, give me 30 men and the materials and I'll have it up and running within a month, if not repaired. Lastly, what you need to understand is, being an engineer, teacher, accountant or medical profession in the current Somalia, I'm talking about all parts of it not just the South, means you are a target for AS and daesh. My cousin, who was born, studied and works in Mogadishu has been threatened several times by AS and both this office and the construction sites where he and the company worked at has been bombed and shelled(mortars where used). This resulted in the company removing itself from charitable and community projects completely, which they had been working in before, and moving to the private sector- building villas and homes for the wealthy. Hope you understand wallal.
Wlh reer banaadir have so many enemies and haters. Insh we will come up top, no amount of bombs will stop us should be our motto. Muqdishos resilience=Somali resilience mA. Never give up.
Why can't the local police set up stations/spies in each neighbourhood and just cleanse the city?
Why can't they do random searches and seize every home that has weapons/explosives/operatives?
I feel like the SNA and AMISOM don't want to deal with the insecurity problem, AMISOM for obvious financial reasons and the SNA? Well, that's another issue.
The police has setup check points, hundreds across Mogadishu, some stop AS and others don't. The problem is that these officers are bribed or lack mailed into allowing AS to pass through. One officer reported that AS was holding his family hostage, in exchange for passage, and the FGS ignored him, resulting in him giving in- why would you care for someone who doesn't even bat an eye at your problem? As for AMISOM, most of them just sit around in their bases and only appear for press releases, apart from that they are being trained by the US, NATO, British and other countries, in Somalia, to defend it.They are also getting a lot of "donations" from Arab/Gulf state nations, Jordan donated several AH-1s to Kenya and several F-5 fighter jets, they same being used to bomb the Southern regions. Either we go big and act like sensible adults, clearly and rationally dealing with our problems... Or we act like 90% of people on this website: "my qabil is better than yours wrrrrrrrryyyyyyy".
Do they have neighbourhood watch groups? The problem with large cities is that people become less aware and involved with the people they live next to.
We cannot afford such behaviour. Every STREET in Somalia needs extreme security, speed bumps, check points, watch towers, metal detectors and regular pat downs.
Until we get to normalcy, people need to sacrifice some of their privacy and comfort.
I won't blame everyone but there need to be enough brave and productive people to start this change.
It's not just terror attacks anymore, little girls are being gang raped and murdered and this is across the Somali peninsula.