The deceptive true nature of Fascism

Fascism is the most non-coherent ideology I’ve heard. Hitler changed policies whenever it was convenient . And the way it was implemented was completely different from every country outside of being extremely authoritarian and nationalist.

Hell, even within Nazi Germany


"For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
Fascism is literally us vs them. There was no was no end goal. Nazi Germany was bound to fail. It was Aryan v Jews, Aryan v Slavs, etc.
Alberta You See Pee 😷✊🟠🌾🍉 on X: Explaining fascism could be it's own  long-ass thread. As a shorthand, fascism is a pyramid-shaped society like  capitalism, but instead of a person's placement being

There was no economic goal, there wasn't anything but the eradication those deemed inferior.
Hitler invading Russia was purely based off the same logic as these “Moorish “ Sovereign citizens:
I can imagine Hitler yelling at the Slavs that they’re on the stolen lands of his tall blonde haired Teutonic ancestors and he’s an indigenous Aryan of the Roman Empire!!!!! 😂
There’s a story of Hitler being extremely worried about the Italians secretly mocking the Nazi Party behind his back because Himmler was going on telling everyone that some old pottery he found in Rome was evidence that Rome was an ancient Aryan civilization and how Germans ruled it…….. @Mohmed


"For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
There’s a story of Hitler being extremely worried about the Italians secretly mocking the Nazi Party behind his back because Himmler was going on telling everyone that some old pottery he found in Rome was evidence that Rome was an ancient Aryan civilization and how Germans ruled it…….. @Mohmed
No fucking way :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:, I never knew these niggas were this batshit crazy. Kinda of funny that we have the same thing going on right now in some wignat dominated online spaces in where they claim they were Vikangz even though they are descendants of Anglos. Not as crazy as those Nazis, but overall kinda funny.
No fucking way :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:, I never knew these niggas were this batshit crazy. Kinda of funny that we have the same thing going on right now in some wignat dominated online spaces in where they claim they were Vikangz even though they are descendants of Anglos. Not as crazy as those Nazis, but overall kinda funny.
Bruh, White nationalists/neo-nazis in the USA are EVEN worse. There’s a super racist “conservative “ caadan who constantly brags about how caadans were the high iq conquers, BUT hates the British . Dude’s an Irish/Italian wigger felon making videos shitting on the British Royal Family, but uses the achievements of the British empire to justify his racial superiority. I had a manager that was praised Hitler who was a Slavic pole and genuinely believed that he could have joined the SS.

Nick Fuentes is an Italian/Mexican that idealizes Hitler. He booty claps Angloids, while calling himself Caesar . Caesar described the cultural differences between the Germanic tribesmen, the Romans, and the Gauls. He said that the Gauls, although warlike, could be civilized, but the Germanic tribesmen were far more savage and were a threat to Roman Gaul and so had to be conquered.
According to Julius Caesar’s account during the Gaelic Wars, the Germani were anything but civilized. Scandalously, they did not even worship what he considered proper gods.

“They have no Druids to regulate divine worship, no zeal for sacrifices. They reckon among the gods those only whom they see and by whose offices they are openly assisted – to wit, the Sun, the Fire-god and the Moon.”


"For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
Bruh, White nationalists/neo-nazis in the USA are EVEN worse. There’s a super racist “conservative “ caadan who constantly brags about how caadans were the high iq conquers, BUT hates the British . Dude’s an Irish/Italian wigger felon making videos shitting on the British Royal Family, but uses the achievements of the British empire to justify his racial superiority. I had a manager that was praised Hitler who was a Slavic pole and genuinely believed that he could have joined the SS.

Nick Fuentes is an Italian/Mexican that idealizes Hitler. He booty claps Angloids, while calling himself Caesar . Caesar described the cultural differences between the Germanic tribesmen, the Romans, and the Gauls. He said that the Gauls, although warlike, could be civilized, but the Germanic tribesmen were far more savage and were a threat to Roman Gaul and so had to be conquered.
According to Julius Caesar’s account during the Gaelic Wars, the Germani were anything but civilized. Scandalously, they did not even worship what he considered proper gods.
I also seen an uptick of Eastern Europeans (mainly Ukrainians) that would've been classified as Untermensch fantasize being in the regime and I would always die laughing. The White Supremacist-sphere seem to have a hint of diversity right now. From the Latinos of LA to the depths of Mongol-Russia. And that is how fascism works, you gather everyone that considers themselves white (Exp: Mexicans, etc.) and you wipe the rest. Then you will continue it by declassify anyone from the Americas as white and turn them into an enemy. Then the Jews. Next the Roma. After, the Slavs. And so on. I used to watch a livestream of this guy who aligns himself with the alt-right, but HE'S A GYPSY!!!

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Bruh, White nationalists/neo-nazis in the USA are EVEN worse. There’s a super racist “conservative “ caadan who constantly brags about how caadans were the high iq conquers, BUT hates the British . Dude’s an Irish/Italian wigger felon making videos shitting on the British Royal Family, but uses the achievements of the British empire to justify his racial superiority. I had a manager that was praised Hitler who was a Slavic pole and genuinely believed that he could have joined the SS.

Nick Fuentes is an Italian/Mexican that idealizes Hitler. He booty claps Angloids, while calling himself Caesar . Caesar described the cultural differences between the Germanic tribesmen, the Romans, and the Gauls. He said that the Gauls, although warlike, could be civilized, but the Germanic tribesmen were far more savage and were a threat to Roman Gaul and so had to be conquered.
According to Julius Caesar’s account during the Gaelic Wars, the Germani were anything but civilized. Scandalously, they did not even worship what he considered proper gods.

fuentes is I think one quarter Mexican. he isn't really Mexican.
fuentes is I think one quarter Mexican. he isn't really Mexican.
Maybe the Americanized ones that refer to themselves as Latinx . Also, some northern Italians look down on southern Italians, especially Sicilians. One of my college buddies who was Northern Italian, Spanish and French and he told me that Sicilians were the nwords of Italy. I know that s Sicilians have alot of Greek blood in them
No fucking way :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:, I never knew these niggas were this batshit crazy. Kinda of funny that we have the same thing going on right now in some wignat dominated online spaces in where they claim they were Vikangz even though they are descendants of Anglos. Not as crazy as those Nazis, but overall kinda funny.
Nah he didn’t want Himmler to show that Germans used to live in backwards mudhuts. Kind of like dark nn trolls who hate traditional Somali Aqals despite being Somali Nationalist.
Here is the quote
“Why do we call the whole world's attention to the fact that we have no past? It's bad enough that the Romans were erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts; now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts and enthusing over every potsherd and stone ax he finds. All we prove by that is that we were still throwing stone hatchets and crouching around open fires when Greece and Rome had already reached the highest stage of culture. We really should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler makes a great fuss about it all. The present-day Romans must be having a laugh at these revelations.”