Boqor of Boqors. The man your wife fantasises of.
I have a feeling it might happen sooner than you guy’s think. Unthinkable shit has already happened this year.
I am generally a good mannered man but WALAHI I WILL party for a MONTH STRAIGHT as soon as the news comes.
Khamri? IIDHIIIB!! XASHISHAD? IIIIDHIIIIB! It will be a month I will never forget.
Please let it happen. Please.
No development for 30years. We are all tired of BS and ceeb.
I am generally a good mannered man but WALAHI I WILL party for a MONTH STRAIGHT as soon as the news comes.
Khamri? IIDHIIIB!! XASHISHAD? IIIIDHIIIIB! It will be a month I will never forget.
Please let it happen. Please.
No development for 30years. We are all tired of BS and ceeb.