The Creepy Imran Hosein Supports Vladimir Putin In His Massacre of Syrian Muslims

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I just want to be very clear. I really dislike Vladimir Putin, in fact I hate him. I am not willing to lie and say he's benevolent. The fact is I just think Russia is relatively not as big a menace as the United States. I don't go to the point of actually praising Putin and Russia in the way Imran Hosein does, where he presents them as though they're good guys instead of just lesser of two evils and a means to a multipolar end.

I urge people to stay away from this sinister person named Imran Hosein and I believe he twists hadith to promote Russia. I've said I think is the lesser of two evils but I've never gone to the point of reinterpreting hadith to push any sort of "alliance with Russia".

Another thing is this guy for years has been "Russia, Russia, Russia," constantly praising them and them very specifically... I am only talking about them now pretty much because what's in the news. Before I would mention them occasionally and in the context of "Russia and China" referring to that bloc in the current Cold War- but I've never had this specific "Russia, Russia" thing Imran Hosein has had going on.

The Creep Imran Hosein Rejects What Is Clear In The Qur’ān!​

also, I want to mention Imran Hosein is a suspected crypto-Shia:

Warning Against A Creepy Caller To The Gates of The Hell Fire: Imran Hosein​


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
IMO Vladimir putin is worse than any us president

honestly, I can respect either viewpoint. both sides are sinister and I think it's up for debate which is relatively worse.

what I really think is wrong and not acceptable is Imran Hosein portraying it as Putin is actually a good guy rather than simply arguing a given side is the lesser of two evils.

one side tries to force feminism, homosexuality, abortion and general degeneracy on the entire world. the other bombs Sunni Muslims and backs Shia expansionism in the Middle East. from their perspective, I can see why Saudis for example could see Russia as being worse. it's like trying to choose whether heroin or meth is worse.


Illuminated Xalimo
The miseries of the Syrians began decades before the civil war. Thanks to the Soviet Union’s retreat and stagnation starting in the 70s and the failure of the Arab nationalists to overcome the Western-backed governments in the region and successfully decolonize and gain sovereignty every country which chose the Soviets or the non-aligned axises were on a time limit. It was at this time that the Syrian government lifted subsidies on basic materials and price controls were gradually rolled back. This lead to an already poor country, becoming even poorer as the urban centres and the rural countryside diverged. Then with the complete triumph of the West, the Syrian ruling classes tried to make a rapprochement to America and participated in the “War on Terror.” Unbeknownst to them however, was that Syria and Iraq were selected by the MICs of the West (who no longer could justify their existence on the flimsy premise of “fighting communism”) as areas of destabilization and destruction; a playground where the products of the weapons manufacturers could be finally consumed. This also was to the benefit of Israel which would never have to give the Golan Heights back to a country in forever war.

The West did not want Assad gone, they wanted a Somalia in the Levant. They recruited their mercenaries through their Gulf and Pakistani satrapies to suit the purpose. Russia (or rather Putin who represented the elites of Russia who wanted to pursue a more independent line) did not want this for several reasons, and after what happened in Libya decided to intervene. If Russia did not come in, Syria would have been much worse off than it is today if you can even imagine that. And the damage would be permanent.

When people blame Russia or China for anything in the world, all they are doing is carrying water for the Western monopoly world governance that will never allow any countries outside of its little parasitic clique to ever industrialize. That Muslims blame Russia of all powers for their state of affairs only demonstrates their continued guillibility and says nothing about how the world actually works.

tldr; Imran Hosein is always right

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
When people blame Russia or China for anything in the world, all they are doing is carrying water for the Western monopoly world governance that will never allow any countries outside of its little parasitic clique to ever industrialize. That Muslims blame Russia of all powers for their state of affairs only demonstrates their continued guillibility and says nothing about how the world actually works.

tldr; Imran Hosein is always right

"I just want to be very clear. I really dislike Vladimir Putin, in fact I hate him. I am not willing to lie and say he's benevolent. The fact is I just think Russia is relatively not as big a menace as the United States."

As I've said, I think Russia is the lesser of two evils but not actually benevolent.

Anyways, I think your viewpoint represents a common view "the West is bad but Russia and China are challenging the elites".... my view is that it's a puppet show and that both sides are controlled by the same elites.


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