The Coddled Son, Harassed Daughter Trope

Really hate how this forum constantly displays a general ignorance of other cultures/people, constantly shows that people here simply don' anything (articles, newspaper, etc), and constantly defines all Somali people in a denigrating fashion in order to make broad points about behavior. The "coddled son, harassed daughter" is not Somali exclusive and has been a staple of multiple cultures for a long time. It was even prominently displayed in arguably the most important TV show of the last 20+ years: The Sopranos. If you remember, Tony's son was constantly babied and given excuses for his behavior while his daughter was pushed to excellence. In the end his son was a deadbeat, and his daughter was on a successful path of post-grad education. The show often delved into many aspects of Italian American culture...and that is definitely a major one in terms of family dynamics.

This is seen in Hispanic families. I assume brehs didn't peep it since it's "sjw bs" but there's been a lot of talk about the cultural practice of men not being expected to do jack shyt in the house while women are herded into the kitchen to cook/clean/etc during family events. That mentality doesn't remain in the kitchen, or the house. It expands out.

One of the biggest reasons we have a generation of goal-less, drifting young white men is because they were coddled all through their life. The minute life got hard they weren't prepared, and they shrunk into negative behaviors, extremism, violence, etc. Meanwhile women are constantly pushed out the house, or controlled. Parents often see daughters as a ticking time bomb (ie the fear of pregnancy) and want to get them prepared and out the house as soon as possible. You see this in black, white, Hispanic, etc communities all the time. And it's contributing to our society's decline. Men are being raised to fail.
This is a Somali forum, therefore most issues here will have a Somali focus. Whether or not every culture has embraced this narrative is inconsequential. You started off by saying that you hated Somali culture being denigrated for it and ended off with saying all men are being raised to fail. So what is the truth? I don't think anybody said men being coddled was Somali specific.