The Burqa and Niqab should be banned, WORLDWIDE

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They are not a part of Islam nor Somali culture. They're younger than my and your parents. The most radical veil in Islam for centuries has been the Hijab, with the majority opting to either wear a normal veil or nothing at all. Proof? Look at black & white photos or older paintings of people from Somalia, North Africa and the Middle East.
Somali school children. Notice what they're wearing and not wearing? Yesterday at the masjid I saw a dude and his two or less year old daughter, who was wearing a hijab:eminemdamn:
This is how our schoolchildren look back home today
Iranian women in 1970 protesting the Hijab which then became forced, and those who didn't wear it would be prosecuted.

How people here would call banning the Burqa and Niqab an attack on Islam is beyond me, when Islam never even mentions either! They are not Islamic, case and point. They have especially NO place in Somalia or Somali culture, hopefully they will be banned there to in the future
They are not a part of Islam nor Somali culture. They're younger than my and your parents. The most radical veil in Islam for centuries has been the Hijab, with the majority opting to either wear a normal veil or nothing at all. Proof? Look at black & white photos or older paintings of people from Somalia, North Africa and the Middle East.
Somali school children. Notice what they're wearing and not wearing? Yesterday at the masjid I saw a dude and his two or less year old daughter, who was wearing a hijab:eminemdamn:
This is how our schoolchildren look back home today
Iranian women in 1970 protesting the Hijab which then became forced, and those who didn't wear it would be prosecuted.

How people here would call banning the Burqa and Niqab an attack on Islam is beyond me, when Islam never even mentions either! They are not Islamic, case and point. They have especially NO place in Somalia or Somali culture, hopefully they will be banned there to in the future

I saw the comment you left me, and it's better if I address it here. I'm not for or against because it's a personal choice. You guys want to force women to take it off while others force them to wear it. You're both are extremist,two sides of the same coin. let women decide.
I saw the comment you left me, and it's better if I address it here. I'm not for or against because it's a personal choice. You guys want to force women to take it off while others force them to wear it. You're both are extremist,two sides of the same coin. let women decide.
The extremists that forced it on women only did so in the last 40-30 years. Women have been indoctrinated and coerced into believing it's their personal choice.

I'm not an extremist for fighting against extremists
Amen, brother. I probably would have never left Islam if not for extremist idiots who wanted to force niqabs onto women.

@Somali psycho

So often somali parents force their daughters into wearing hijabs, niqabs when they don't want to. That isn't a personal choice. f*ck that.


Heads high
Niqab was used historically by Arab women in the desert to protect their face against the dust but it somehow ended up being Religious...

Along with cumamad, Khamis and that head thing. :drakegrin:
Niqab was used historically by Arab women in the desert to protect their face against the dust but it somehow ended up being Religious...

Along with cumamad, Khamis and that head thing. :drakegrin:
It's because some people just worship the arabs and see anything they do as religious.
Honestly, I'm surprised you somali women here are for the ban on burqas and niqabs. Can I marry you ladies? Of course, I'm not a misogynist who will marry 4 of you. I'll just have a competition to see which one is the best.
Honestly, I'm surprised you somali women here are for the ban on burqas and niqabs. Can I marry you ladies? Of course, I'm not a misogynist who will marry 4 of you. I'll just have a competition to see which one is the best.
Shamelessly thirsty:donkey:

Must infuriate you that the most you can ever do is call for the banning of something worn proudly by hundreds of millions of Muslim women and is a central part of their identity on some fringe forum in the anus of the internet. And then they claim to care for women's alleged right to choose!
Must infuriate you that the most you can ever do is call for the banning of something worn proudly by hundreds of millions of Muslim women and is a central part of their identity on some fringe forum in the anus of the internet. And then they claim to care for women's alleged right to choose!

It's got nothing to do with their religion. Ban it anyways. If it was never going to happen, then you have no concern so why bother talking to us? Probably because you know the younger people are going to lead the world and ban it one day?
Must infuriate you that the most you can ever do is call for the banning of something worn proudly by hundreds of millions of Muslim women and is a central part of their identity on some fringe forum in the anus of the internet. And then they claim to care for women's alleged right to choose!
Well 50 years ago it was NOT worn by Muslim women, and before that it was sometimes worn by desert wandering Bedouins. The Niqab and the Burqa are never mentioned in the Quran or any Hadith. It was forced on upon women by Extremists males, no woman willingly wanted to wear it hence the mass protests, like the one pictured from Iran.

But you're somewhat right. I'll be happy long as it's banned in the West and in Somalia.
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