The Black Woman vs The White women. Dr Umar Johnson.

“A White woman will look at a black man for his potential, the black woman will look at the black man for what he is able to provide for me at this moment.

The white woman is evaluating the black man with an eye to the future. The black woman is evaluating the black man with eye to the present.” Dr Umar Johnson

I know this to be true as someone who has rejected many white women, who did everything to prove themselves worthy of my love, even when I didn’t ask for it. Just because they weren’t Somali or Muslim.
Looking at a man's potential is a trap for a "starter wife" kit
True, but waiting for a man at the finish line also means he’ll be excepting you to be okay with a polygamous marriage, since he’s already able to provide for you and other women, or he’s going to be exceptionally more picky/choosy by which point most women don’t have a chance.

There’s never any solutions but concessions, pick what works for you.

Ultimately the dr Umar guy is right but speaking in a highly exaggerated tone. More stable communities have women who are more willing to invest in men they think will do well or decent while struggling communities will have women jump at the chance of finding a man who’s higher status than them. This obviously somewhat correlates with black vs white women in America.
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Too much generalisation. Tell that to the white women who run after black basketballers and NFL athletes once they make it big, and would never look in their direction otherwise. Black women do that struggle love shit way more often than white.
Too much generalisation. Tell that to the white women who run after black basketballers and NFL athletes once they make it big, and would never look in their direction otherwise. Black women do that struggle love shit way more often than white.
They get those guys early in college before they make it sometimes even during highschool just look at the recent nba draft it’s a good example
They get those guys early in college before they make it sometimes even during highschool just look at the recent nba draft it’s a good example
Yeah, that's cause they see it as a chance to get the bag after seeing the success of black NBA players of previous generations. I know it upsets your delusions, but whatever 💅

White women do not put up with struggle love, that's something I give them props for, black women need to take notes
“A White woman will look at a black man for his potential, the black woman will look at the black man for what he is able to provide for me at this moment.

The white woman is evaluating the black man with an eye to the future. The black woman is evaluating the black man with eye to the present.” Dr Umar Johnson

I know this to be true as someone who has rejected many white women, who did everything to prove themselves worthy of my love, even when I didn’t ask for it. Just because they weren’t Somali or Muslim.
I’ve historically gotten much more attention from Cadaan and mixed women while somali women ignore my existence, but this is due to Cadaan/mixed women being more liberal and looking for “fun” while Somali women are clearly much more religious and looking for the long term. I’d much prefer it this way. Just ignore the women who try catch your attention and find yourself a good pious Somali women.
Too much generalisation. Tell that to the white women who run after black basketballers and NFL athletes once they make it big, and would never look in their direction otherwise. Black women do that struggle love shit way more often than white.
You are 30
Looking at a man's potential is a trap for a "starter wife" kit
Woman have always invested in mens potential since the beginning of time.

But make no mistake it is an art, that both black and somali women have long forgotten how to use.

So I understand your hesitation.
I’ve historically gotten much more attention from Cadaan and mixed women while somali women ignore my existence, but this is due to Cadaan/mixed women being more liberal and looking for “fun” while Somali women are clearly much more religious and looking for the long term. I’d much prefer it this way. Just ignore the women who try catch your attention and find yourself a good pious Somali women.

I know what you mean, but as someone who practices body game I have no issue with attraction/attention

what I’m talking about is deeper, like a woman becoming attentive to your needs, making you a priority just on the possibility you might say yes one day.

A woman treating you like the prize, speaking words of encouragement when you need them.

Always having your back no matter what a woman like that has her ego in check, and her priorities straight. She would be an asset.
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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

cognitive dissonance?
Its Friday Dancing GIF by Vivid People Disco

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
What is your experience, when you learn that a complete stranger from another culture, can see your potential, where the one with whom you share blood. cannot see past the loose change in your pocket.
Im not so hung up on whether my partner is of the same culture/ethnicity as I am, tho I would prefer it tho. I’d chose the former


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
What is your experience, when you learn that a complete stranger from another culture, can see your potential, where the one with whom you share blood. cannot see past the loose change in your pocket.

Care to elaborate Dr Basra?

Dr Umaaaaar is having an apoplectic cognitive dissonance. He is holding two opposing thoughts in his head at the same time. Which is a miracle by itself. But then- he goes on ignoring this deep black fever need for a white bunny- and rationalizes and rationalizes until- blackness morphia wins! :mjcry:
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I’m actually shocked at the lies and how it goes against reality and statistical trends. Black women even In relationships are overwhelming more likely to be breadwinners in their partnerships or at least be working alongside their men more than any other demographic.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I’m actually shocked at the lies and how it goes against reality and statistical trends. Black women even In relationships are overwhelming more likely to be breadwinners in their partnerships or at least be working alongside their men more than any other demographic.

Dear Angie- why do u think black women and somalis included, tend to be bread winners? and why are their women aggressive?
They get those guys early in college before they make it sometimes even during highschool just look at the recent nba draft it’s a good example
For every case of white women who get men early, there are dozens of examples of black women like Savannah the wife of Lebron, Snoopdog and the list continues.

What’s a statistical fact is that black women are In more ‘struggle’ relationships than white women. They’re also much more likely to be married to or In relationship with men they out earn whilst white women tend to be married to breadwinners. The Pew center has literal statistics yet black men lie. I’m a stickler for facts, so this is a bit insane that their own men are coming up with lies.

@HIBAQ123 You’re right and studies even back this up but it seems that this isn’t even enough for their men. A lot of black women more so than any group are the breadwinners for their men!

