The birth of the 3rd Republic

That is definitely were they went wrong. Shouldn’t have let them there in the first place. They clearly didn’t see them as a threat since when ICU was in power, they were actually powerless. It was during the war with Ethiopia that they rose.
They weren't powerless tho, they held key positions in ICU's councils and their militias were well trained, it was Ayrow's forces that defeated the warlords.
Finally joining the FKD trenches :denzelnigga:
Wasn’t going to, but just hate the constant whining. They should move like SL, at least with the republic of SL, what you see is what you get. These lot want all the benefits of being part of Somalia whilst having one foot out. Really their tantrum is due to the fact that an MJ president isn’t in power. If Deni won the election, they wouldn’t be moving this way. HSM has only been in power for two years and finally he’s got rid of the disastrous 4.5 and now hopefully in the future Somalia can have an ethnic minority president.
Wasn’t going to, but just hate the constant whining. They should move like SL, at least with the republic of SL, what you see is what you get. These lot want all the benefits of being part of Somalia whilst having one foot out. Really their tantrum is due to the fact that an MJ president isn’t in power. If Deni won the election, they wouldn’t be moving this way. HSM has only been in power for two years and finally he’s got rid of the disastrous 4.5 and now hopefully in the future Somalia can have an ethnic minority president.

Not true, Puntland wants federalism, not centralism, hence the issue with HSM. Not to mention the fact that our share of funding is constantly stolen/withheld.

HSM is not the one that started the movement against 4.5. In fact, it was Puntland that was the one that was against 4.5, and this was during Gaas's tenure.

This was one of the political songs.

HSM is not the one that started the movement against 4.5. In fact, it was Puntland that was the one that was against 4.5, and this was during Gaas's tenure.

Yes and he finally listened and got rid of it!

The 4.5 system was created in 1997 and we’ve had many presidents between then and now. I’m glad it’s over now because I’m at a point in which I’d celebrate if we had a reer Xamari president. At least they won’t be motivated by clan policies.
Not true, Puntland wants federalism, not centralism, hence the issue with HSM. Not to mention the fact that our share of funding is constantly stolen/withheld.
Does PL pay taxes

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi. Sub-Saharans are cursed
Wasn’t going to, but just hate the constant whining. They should move like SL, at least with the republic of SL, what you see is what you get. These lot want all the benefits of being part of Somalia whilst having one foot out. Really their tantrum is due to the fact that an MJ president isn’t in power. If Deni won the election, they wouldn’t be moving this way. HSM has only been in power for two years and finally he’s got rid of the disastrous 4.5 and now hopefully in the future Somalia can have an ethnic minority president.
They are delusional, now their cousins in SL who claimed to fight SL based on Somalia’s sovereignty being muqaddas will have to own up to their real intentions (couldnt stand being ruled by Hargeisa/Isaaqs). We will see what they say about their Somalia Italiana secessionists across the border. Will they use the same rhetoric they use against Isaaqs/Hargeisa or will they remain silent? I already know the answer 😂😂

The same MJ Jabartis who accused Landers of being secessionists as if it was a slur are now trying to copy us without any of the legal claims that SL has (1960 union and the fact it wasn’t even ratified). They do not have the financial capability nor organizational capacity to run a state on their own. They will come back crawling to Xamar tbh. I’m still an enemy of Somalia but this is what will happen to Deni. HSM will humble him…

It’s common theme with Jabarti, they cannot accept being ruled other than by their own.
Yes and he finally listened and got rid of it!

The 4.5 system was created in 1997 and we’ve had many presidents between then and now. I’m glad it’s over now because I’m at a point in which I’d celebrate if we had a reer Xamari president. At least they won’t be motivated by clan policies.

Does PL pay taxes

Puntland does not pay taxes to the Federal Government, as there is not yet an agreement on revenue/tax sharing.

The money that is being wittheld from Puntland is NOT Somali tax money, it's international development funding.
2 courts are more than enough to wreak havoc, it means thousands of soldiers, and god knows how much tax money. And with Xasan Dahir Awey's history of attacking other people's land, we could all guess where it was headed; their declaration of 'Jihaad' on Puntland.
No, after the Ethiopian invasion, they mostly declared Jihad on locals in a way they wouldn’t of dared of were able to do under ICU.

ICU weren’t perfect, but what’s a fact is that it was 6 yrs of terror after the fall of ICU and Al shaydan actually became stronger. That’s my point.
No, after the Ethiopian invasion, they mostly declared Jihad on locals in a way they wouldn’t of dared of were able to do under ICU.

ICU weren’t perfect, but what’s a fact is that it was 6 yrs of terror after the fall of ICU and Al shaydan actually became stronger. That’s my point.

AlShabab was part of ICU, it's not a separate group that came out of nowhere. The same way that Xasan Dahir Aweys, the infamous terrorist, was part of ICU.


Sincerity is a dangerous thing.
Justifying Ethiopian genocide of your fellow muslims is just evil. Innocent mothers and children bombed to oblivion, livelihoods destroyed, families displaced. Only the almighty knows what other atrocities befall upon the innocent. Peace upon the shahiids.

Angelina, ICU were targeted by the Ethiopians, because people of Xamar said they won't rest until all Somalis are free of Ethiopian occupation. Those who support ICU's decimation by the hands of Meles Zenawi with the help of warldord criminals, because the TPLF puppet in charge at the time, Abdullahi Yusuf was your kin, is nothing short of jaahilnimo.

@Angelina walaal always judge a ruler on what he inherited at the beginning of their tenure and what they left behind at the end of it. Through the objective lenses AY was a major disaster.
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Puntland does not pay taxes to the Federal Government, as there is not yet an agreement on revenue/tax sharing.
The money that is being wittheld from Puntland is NOT Somali tax money, it's international development funding.
So let’s get this straight. The south pays taxes, invests more in the country but you lot also want the same funding as well. I know it isn’t the same but it’s still audacious.

it’s time for you lot to nicely get out. It’s this nonsense that illustrates the one foot in and one foot out comment. I am by no means in agreement of withholding anything, but if you’re part of a nation and wanting equal funding, you need to contribute.

So let’s get this straight. The south pays taxes, invests more in the country but you lot also want the same funding as well. I know it isn’t the same but it’s still audacious.

it’s time for you lot to nicely get out. It’s this nonsense that illustrates the one foot in and one foot out comment. I am by no means in agreement of withholding anything, but if you’re part of a nation and wanting equal funding, you need to contribute.


What are you talking about? International funding doesn't belong to South-Central Somalia, nor does it come from South Somalia; it comes from THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY.

Puntland does not want the taxes from South Somalia, like I said earlier, the money that we want is the international funding that has been earmarked for us.

Even if Puntland paid taxes to a Central authority, that is not the money we are asking for.

We will leave when we are good and ready, like I said earlier.
Justifying Ethiopian genocide of your fellow muslims is just evil. Innocent mothers and children bombed to oblivion, livelihoods destroy, families displaced. Only the almighty knows what other atrocities befall upon the innocent. AUN to the shahiids.
They’re hypocrites, they’re the same people crying about SL for doing a deal when these lot called Ethiopia against the South
Angelina, ICU were targeted by the Ethiopians, because people of Xamar said they won't rest until all Somalis are free of Ethiopian occupation. Those who support ICU's decimation by the hands of Meles Zenawi with the help of warldord criminals, because the TPLF puppet in charge at the time, Abdullahi Yusuf was your kin, is nothing short of jaahilnimo.
It’s tribalism on steroids.
@Angelina walaal always judge a ruler on what he inherited at the beginning of their tenure and what they left behind at the end of it. Through the objective lenses he was a major disaster.
They’re hypocrites, they’re the same people crying about SL for doing a deal when these lot called Ethiopia against the South

It’s tribalism on steroids.

Who is crying about SNM's deals with Ethiopia? Isn't it in fact, your uncles, at the helm of the current government, who has a problem with SNM. Stop acting like it's only Puntland who has a problem with the Ethiopia maritime deal.
Who is crying about SNM's deals with Ethiopia? Isn't it in fact, your uncles, at the helm of the current government, who has a problem with SNM. Stop acting like it's only Puntland who has a problem with the Ethiopia maritime deal.
Please, a lot of the people who are also crying and talking about Somalinimo ect are in fact MJs as well. Look at the threads about SL and the amount of MJ posters who were also against it.

But how can PL even have a problem? They called Ethiopians to kill fellow Somalis that’s my point. Never said they’re the only ones.
Please, a lot of the people who are also crying and talking about Somalinimo ect are in fact MJs as well. Look at the threads about SL and the amount of MJ posters who were also against it.

But how can PL even have a problem? They called Ethiopians to kill fellow Somalis.

Puntland did not call Ethiopians and the Ethiopian invasion was going to happen no matter what people said. And like I said before, go look at who supported the founding of the first TFG, your clansmen included. But it's easier to blame us for all your issues.

The Transitional Federal Parliament elected the President and Prime Minister, and had the authority to pass and veto laws. It was also in charge of governance and administration of Mogadishu.

Each of the four major clans held 61 seats, while an alliance of minority clans held 31 seats.

After an alliance with the Islamic Courts Union and other Islamist groups, the Islamists were awarded 200 seats. Representatives of citizens' groups and representatives of the Somali diaspora held 75 seats. By law, at least 12% of all representatives had to be women. Members of parliament are selected through traditional clan leaders or shura councils.


When caydiid took over xamar he made a "government" he gave 2/3 of all mps to hawiye. Something similar is about to happen in 2025/2026

