The average Somali Western female has no knowledge of Islam

I remember back in my dugsi days majority of the hafids (99%) were guys and maybe a few anomaly naags. This is not only in Canada but all across the diaspora. Most Somali women don't even think about the hereafter. They tend to enjoy this worlds false givings. You could even tell from the way those three girls were praying Janaza for that black guy. They lacked Islamic knowledge and continued to bend their fat backs over without hesitation.

Majority of them are destined for the hellfire as was narrated.
tfw no qt adhan answering, airport security check derandomizing, Aisha aspiring, AJ+ watching, Allah fearing, Araby typing, Assad supporting, astaghfirullah muttering, camel riding, date eating, deen having, diglossia knowing, dua invocating, Eid al-Fitr overeating, Fairouz listening, familial honour bestowing, fatwa obeying, fusha speaking, gaze lowering, habibi endearing, hadith consulting, halal consuming, haram avoiding, hijab donning, hair covering, imam listening, inshallah willing, Islam submitting, jizya receiving, Kpop concert attending, Li Beirut singing, liberal Islam avoiding, mascara overusing, Mecca facing, mensif preparing, modesty embodying, Mohammed(pbuh) admiring, mosque building, mushrikun dissasociating, naqba mourning, nasheed chanting, Occidentiphiling, Ottoman revolting, oudh spraying, Panarabism aspiring, Quran memorizing, Ramadan fasting, rock throwing, Shahada reciting, Sharia law implementing, shawarma turning, shisha smoking, Tunisian Arabic deciphering, Turkish drama watching, Ummah uniting, virginity minding, wedding ceremony ululating, wudu abluting, yallah exclaiming, zakat giving, zina committing Arab gf

